
    摘 要:在日常的生活和工作中,人们习惯于携带钥匙来开锁,携带的钥匙往往会因为不小心丢失,从而留下安全隐患。随着社会文明的进步和科学技术的发展,人们对安全的要求越来越高,对于高安全性锁的需求更加迫切。密码锁具有安全性高、价格低廉、能耗低、易操作等优点。密码锁密码量大改变了传统锁密码量少的缺点。随着大规模和超大规模集成电路技术的发展,带有微处理器的密码锁具有智能化管理,专业的分析系统等众多功能,从而使密码锁走进更多家庭被更多人所接受,在日常生活中慢慢普及。55453



    Abstract: In daily life and work, people used to carry the key in the lock, Tend to carry key because accidentally lost, leaving the safety hidden trouble. With the progress of social civilization and the development of science and technology, people more and more high to the requirement of security. Demand for high security lock is more urgent, digital code instead of the keys is very important. Combination lock has high safety, low cost, low energy consumption, easy operation, etc. Large amount of combination lock password changed the traditional password lock less faults. With the development of large scale and very large scale integrated circuit technology, with the combination of the microprocessor with intelligent management, professional analysis system and so on function, so that the combination lock into the family accepted by more people, more slowly universal in our daily life.

    Electronic combination lock this design based on single chip microcomputer through the combination of hardware and software to achieve, this design uses the smallest single-chip system, matrix key, AT24C02 memory chips, LCD1602 display, STC89C52 single chip to design a combination lock control circuit of the system. The working process of the combination lock for people when they are in the design of the button to enter the password, the password and compare the password stored in the memory is in advance, display shows CORRECT password is consistent, namely the lock is opened, the corresponding diode to light. And vice display ERROR, to input, input wrong number is equal to set the maximum number of the lock combination lock was locked, appear DEAD, according to the buzzer rang the automatic alarm system.

    Key words: single chip, microcomputer, matrix keyboard, LCD display and a buzzer 

    目 录

    1 引言 4

    1.1 本系统主要研究内容 4

    2 总体方案论证与设计 4

    2.1主控模块的选型和论证 4

    2.2显示模块的选型和论证 5

    2.3存储模块的选型和论证 5

    2.4按键模块的选型和论证 5

    2.5系统整体设计概述 5

    3 系统硬件电路设计 6

    3.1主控模块 6

    3.1.1 STC89C52单片机主要特性

  1. 上一篇:AT89S52单片机单相数字电能表设计
  2. 下一篇:AT89S52单片机光伏发电系统中MPPT系统设计
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