
    摘要:随着经济的发展,人们的生活水平不断提高,人体健康已成为人们关注的焦点,因此人体健康生理参数监测仪器的研究也成为重要的研究课题。本文设计的人体健康生理参数监测系统主要由数据采集单元(ADuC841)、中央控制单元(ADuC7026)、显示单元等组成。系统工作时,中央控制单元发出监测指令(不同的生理参数对应不同的指令),由数据采集单元控制传感器开始对人体生理信号进行采集,采集到的模拟信号经放大、滤波、陷波、整形等调理电路,传输至ADuC841单片机进行 A/D采样处理,能实时地把人体体温、心率和血压参数信息传递给中央控制单元ADuC7026,中央控制单元对监测到的数据进行分析及实时显示,同时存入数据库供随时回放,并通过串口与PC机通讯,将存储资料进行打印分析。55829


    ABSTRACT: In recent years, with the continuous improvement of living standards, health consciousness is gradually increased, health has become a focus of attention, the study of the health parameter monitoring instruments also become an important research topic. The system mainly consists of data acquisition unit, central control unit and display unit. During the operation, the central control unit issues the monitoring instruction, the sensors unit start to collect physiological signals. After processed by the amplification, filtering, notching and shaping circuits, the signals are transferred to the microcontroller for further processing. The signals are sampled by the A/D converter, to real-time display human body temperature, pulse, heart rate, blood pressure and blood gas parameters such information to the central control unit ADuC7026, the central control is in charge of receiving, analyzing and displaying the data which is from the sensors, and storing the data in the database for playback at any time. It communicates with the PC through the serial port for printing of the stored data.

    Key words: the health parameter monitoring instruments; data acquisition unit; central control unit; display unit; the serial port

    目录 1

    1 绪论 2

    1.1关注人体健康参数的意义 2

    1.2 设计目的及主要工作 2

    2 人体健康参数测量原理及方法 3

    2.1 体温测量模块 3

    2.2 心率测量模块 4

    2.3 血压测量模块 4

    3 硬件系统设计 5

    3.1 主要模块结构 5

    3.2 信号采集模块 7

    3.3 串口通信模块 14

    3.4 显示模块 15

    4 软件系统设计 17

    4.1 数据采集端 17

    4.2中央控制端 18

    结论 19

    参 考 文 献 20

    致 谢 21

    附录ALCD驱动程序 22

    1 绪论



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