
    摘 要:随着时代的进步和发展,单片机和传感器技术已经普及到我们生活,工作等各个领域。针对现在我们国家一些煤炭,粮食等储存产业测温系统存在的不足,提出无线传感器网络的设计方案。数字式DS18B20温度传感器摆脱了传统的从传感器引出线到达主机才能测量的变化。解决了传统的温度检测短距离测温依赖线缆的缺点,它以单总线的连接方式,使电路大大的简化。DS18B20传感器利用AT89S52单片机作为下位机控制温度值的采集,简单而且易于智能化控制。设计中还加入了nRF24l01无线收发模块,最后通过串口将数据传送到上位机。使得设计模块可以进行远距离的检测和控制。此次设计根据具体实验制作,给出了系统实现的硬件原理图及软件流程图。该设计具有一定的参考价值,设计布线简单,结构紧凑,体积小,扩展方便,可在一定距离进行无线检测,拥有广阔的应用前景。 56487

    毕业论文关键词: DS18B20,AT89S52,nRF24l01无线收发模块

    Abstract:With the progress and development of The Times, single-chip microcomputer and sensor technology has spread to our life, work and other fields.For now, our country some coal, grain storage industry such as the shortage of temperature measuring system is put forward the design scheme of wireless sensor network.From the sensor DS18B20 digital temperature sensor to get rid of the traditional lead to the host to measure change.Solve the traditional temperature detecting distance measuring temperature dependence of the cable faults, it is with the connecting way of single bus, make the circuit is simplified a lot.DS18B20 sensors using 89C52 as lower machine control temperature acquisition, simple and easy to intelligent control.Also joined in the design of nRF905 wireless transceiver module, at last, through a serial port to transfer data to PC.Makes the design module can carry out remote detection and control.The design according to the concrete experiment, gives the system hardware principle diagram and software flow chart.The design has a certain reference value, wiring simple, compact structure, small volume, convenient extension, wirelessly detection in a certain distance, has broad application prospects.

    Keywords:DS18B20 , AT89S52, nRF24l01 wireless transceiver module


    1绪论 5

    1.1 研究背景与意义 5

    1.2国内的研究状况 6

    1.3 设计内容及要求 6

    2系统方案原理及其构成 6

    2.1 无线温度测量系统构成 6

    2.2 系统框图 6

    2.3无线测温系统工作原理 7

    3硬件结构设计 7

    3.1发送与接收模块 7

    3.2单片机模块 10

    3.3温度采集模块 11

    3.4 AT89S52最小应用系统电路 13

    4 系统软件设计 14

    4.1程序语言 14

    4.2上位机概述 15

    4.3下位机概述 16

    4.4VB语言程序和工程图 17

    4.5 5V电路仿真 17

    4.6仿真图结果图 18

    结  论 19

    参考文献 20


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