


    Abstract: This design topic being studied wireless multifunction fire alarm system adopts STC89C51 as the core controller, using gas sensor MQ - 2, realize the basic functions such as ADC0809. First of all, the single-chip computer alarm control system is introduced in this paper in terms of hardware design, hardware schematic diagram to do a simple description. Then, the software part of the design. Judging from the basic construction of fire alarm system, smoke control system, hardware selection and software design of more in-depth analysis. In the end, the effect of the simulation and design of the final demand, the simulation result is correct. Finally, in after the completion of the hardware and software debugging respectively, download the program into the single chip microcomputer, circuit board connected to the power, the power indicator, press the switch button, digital tube display the current values of smoke, and then compared with the set value, it can realize intelligent alarm control.

    Key words:STC89C51microcontroller ; MQ-2 gas sensor; fire alarm; intelligent control


    1 绪论 4

    1.1 课题的研究背景 4

    1.2 课题的研究目的及意义 4

    1.3 火灾报警器的发展及现状 5

    1.4课题的研究内容 5

    2 火灾报警器的总体方案设计 5

    2.1系统的功能要求 5

    2.2 系统的技术要求 6

    2.3 系统的组成及方案设计 6

    3 系统的硬件设计 7

    3.1 单片机的介绍 7

    3.2 烟雾探测电路的设计 11

    3.3 液晶显示电路设计 13

    3.4 声光报警提示电路 14

    3.5 负载控制电路 16

    3.6 按键电路 16

    3.7 火灾报警器的原理图 17

    4 系统的软件设计 20

    4.1 软件介绍 20

    4.2 系统程序流程图 21

    4.3 proteus仿真图 22

    5火灾报警器的调试结果 25

    5.1调试结果 25

    5.2实物图 25

    结论 27

    参考文献 28

    致谢 29

    附录 30

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