摘 要:随着近年来无电地区居民对光伏发电系统的需求也不断提高,逆变器已经成为光伏发电系统的必备部件。这些地区居住分散、交通不便,一旦出了故障,极难维修。因此对控制一逆变器的要求是功能简单,坚固耐用。本文介绍了一种应用于太阳能的发电系统中基于单片机控制的单相全桥逆变器的设计。逆变器主电路为全桥逆变结构,由4个IRF830A组成。以单极性SPWM倍频调制方式工作。经过分析和比较,确定采用直接PWM法来计算SPWM波的占空比并设计了控制器。以AT89S51作为控制芯片,基于KeilC和Proteus的集成开发环境进行系统软件设计,结合软件对硬件电路进行调试,结果表明各部分指标满足要求。56864


    Abstract:Residents in recent years without electricity demand for photovoltaic power generation system is also constantly improve, the inverter has become an essential part of photovoltaic power generation systems. These regions populated, traffic inconvenience, once out of the trouble, very difficult to repair. So to control the function of the requirements of the inverter is simple, strong and durable. This paper introduces a kind of applied in solar power generation system of single phase full bridge inverter based on single chip microcomputer control design. Inverter for the full bridge inverter main circuit structure,Consists of four IRF830A. Work in a single polarity SPWM frequency doubling modulation method. Through analysis and comparison, to determine the direct PWM method is used to calculate SPWM wave duty ratio and design the controller. With AT89S51 as the control chip, based on the integrated development environment KeilC and Proteus system software design, combined with the software to the hardware circuit debugging, the results show that the parts indicators meet the requirements.

    Keywords:inverter, photovoltaic, Single chip microcomputer, pulse duration modulation 


    1 引言 5

    2 光伏逆变器相关简介 5

    2.1光伏逆变器概述 5

    2.2光伏逆变器的发展历程 5

    2.3光伏逆变器的分类 6

    2.4逆变器的特点 6

    2.5光伏逆变器的工作原理 6

    3 逆变器的整体系统设计 7

    3.1 设计思路 7

    3.2 逆变电路的选择与方案论证 7

    4 硬件电路设计 9

    4.1 仿真电路整体设计 9

    4.2  AT89C51单片机介绍 10

    4.3 MOS场效应管的工作原理及其作用 11

    4.4逆变器驱动电路与滤波电路的设计 12

    4.5 PWM 控制 13

    4.6 控制电路设计 14

    5 软件系统设计 15

    5.1 Proteus软件介绍 15

    5.2 Proteus 仿真软件与Keil结合的仿真 16

    5.3单片机仿真程序 17

    5.4光伏逆变器的仿真调试 18

    结论 20

    参考文献 22

    致 谢 23 

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