    家庭智能控制系统的主要功能集中在家庭安全报警、电话远程控制、红外遥控、自动抄表控制等方面。组网方式分为两大类:有线组网和无线组网。有线组网主要是利用家中的电话线、单独布置通信控制线路或电力线载波通信进行组网;无线组网的主要技术有家庭射频技术(Home RF)、蓝牙技术(Bluetooth)及家庭电话线网络联盟技术(Home PAN)等。
    (1) 实现实时时钟显示
    (2) 实现人在异地通过电话网络对家中的用电设备进行远程控制
    (3) 实现在近距离通过系统键盘控制家用电器设备的工作状态
    关键词: 单片机;智能家居控制系统;实时时钟;DTMF编解码
    With the development of modem science and technology and the raising of people,sliving standard, residents put forward the higher demand on the house’function and quality. Smart home are popular because of their safety,comfort,expedite information and perfect service. In consequence, they are likely to stand for the trend of modem housing. So it's very important to study and develop intelligence products which can meet the request of people.
    The major function of family intelligent control system includes family safety alarm, telephone long-range control and Infrared remote control as well as automatic watch control etc. Group network mode pides into two kinds: Wired group net and wireless group net.Cable network net is organize net mainly using net line or the telephone line at home; while the major technology of Infrared is to use Home Reflect Frequency(Home RF) technology, Bluetooth technology and Home PAN technique etc.
    This paper introduces intelligent household control system and remote control and local control the mainly realize the following functions:
        (1)Real-time clock
        (2)Remote control over electric equipment through telephone network
        (3)Local control over electric equipment through key board
    We designed a concise, low cost and flexible system in this article. All the functions of the system perform well in the trials.
    KeyWords:Single-chip Micro-computer;Smart home control system;Real-time clock; DTMF Coding and Decoding
    目  录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  概述    1
    1.2  智能家居系统的概念    1
    1.3  智能家居系统的发展状况    1
    1.3.1  智能家居系统的国外发展状况    1
    1.3.2  智能家居系统的国内发展状况    3
    1.3.3  智能家居系统的未来发展趋势    6
    1.4  课题研究的目的和意义    7
    2  智能家居系统的远程控制技术    8
    2.1  远程控制系统设计    9
    2.1.1  振铃检测功能的设计与实现    9
    2.1.2  模拟摘/挂机功能的设计与实现    9
    2.2  DTMF解码模块    10
    2.2.1  DTMF技术概述    10
    2.2.4  DTMF解码功能的设计与实现    12
    3  实时时钟系统相关软件技术    13
    3.1  Altium Designer 简介    13
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