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时间:2018-05-22 21:30来源:毕业论文

A Comparative Analysis of Color Words in Chinese and English
Abstract: As two typical representatives of the eastern and western language cultural, Chinese and English have abundant cultural characteristics vocabulary, the color word fully represent the cultural characteristics of the various nationalities. Currently, there are quite a lot of research achievements on Chinese-English color words at home and abroad. But it has not formed a systematic study on the cultural background, the meaning of a word and way of word formation. This text has made comparative analysis of the cultural background, significance and way of word formation on both Chinese and English color words, it turns out that because of the difference on religious belief, political system, national mentality and aesthetic taste, it has made a big difference on emotional color and word formation. Especially in word formation, Chinese color word formation mainly adopts partial formal, but English mainly adopts additional form. Analyze and understand these differences can not only cultivate students the correct understanding and presentation skills of color words in language communication , but also can enrich the classroom culture teaching in Chinese as a foreign language.
Key words: Color Words; Classification and Sources; Comparative Analysis; Word Formation; Language Teaching
摘  要    1
Abstract    1
前言    2
一、国内外颜色词研究现状    2
(一)国外颜色词研究现状    2
(二)国内颜色词研究现状    2
(三)对比分析方法研究现状    3
(四)汉英颜色词对比分析的现状与不足    4
二、颜色词的分类与来源    5
(一)颜色词概貌    5
(二)汉英颜色词的分类    5
(三)汉英颜色词的来源    6
三、汉英基本颜色词词义对比分析    7
(一)汉英基本颜色词的差异    7
(二)部分基本颜色词的文化背景和内涵对比    8
(三)颜色词文化义异同的原因    17
四、汉英颜色词构词方式对比分析    18
(一)汉英颜色词构词方式    18
(二)汉英颜色词构词表达对比    18
五、汉英颜色词的对比在对外汉语教学中的运用    19
结语    21
参考文献    21
致谢    23
颜色词作为语言词汇中的一大类别,在跨文化交际中发挥了十分重要的作用,凸显了不同地域的文化,并且随着历史的发展,每个民族的颜色词都带上了各自的文化特点,成为各民族里很有特点的颜色类国俗词语。正因为如此,国内外学者都对其产生了很大的兴趣,进行了大量的研究,并取得了很多优异的成果,不过这些研究大都是针对汉英基本颜色词的联想意义和翻译策略的对比,而在有关颜色词的文化背景、词义和构词方式等方面的研究还不多,并且研究成果也主要以期刊论文形式出现。近年来,国内外编辑的语言教学教材已经逐步加大了颜色词的教学内容,一些新理论和新观点相继提出,颜色词以其独特的魅力吸引不同语言学习者的热情。因此,我们应该对不同语言颜色词的差异给予充分的重视和研究。 汉英颜色词的对比分析+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/wenxue/lunwen_16121.html