【摘 要】:钱大昭作为清朝著名朴学大师,素精史学,长于训诂,注重考证,在史学领域成就颇多。为了展示其学术贡献,本文将从三个方面进行深入探析,首先是对钱大昭所处时代及学术背景进行介绍,其获得的成就不仅因为自身的刻苦努力,与当时的时代背景与学术发展同样有关。其次是对他在史学方面的成就加以论述,不仅包含其考据成果,他的治学方法理论也值得关注。最后对其学术成果及影响进行概括评价,提升了史学的地位,开拓了史学研究的领域,校勘成果为后人考证提供借鉴参考,求实的精神为后学树立了榜样。26479
【毕业论文关键词】:钱大昭 史学 贡献
On the Historical Contribution of Qian Dazhao
Abstract:As a famous master of “ Pu” theory in late Qing Dynasty, Qian Dazhao was well versed in history, good at explaining and has always attached great importance to textual research, which contributed to his innumerable achievements in the filed of historiography. In order to explain his achievements in an all –around way, the thesis discusses it in three aspects. Besides his own efforts, Qian Dazhao’s achievements are also inseparable from then historical and academic settings, thus the first part gives a brief introductions to the historical context and academic background. The second part specifically deals with his achievements in history; this paper includes not only his textual research achievements, but also his research methods. Finally, the conclusion gives summary and evaluation of his academic achievements and its influence after his death. Qian Dazhao enhanced the status of historiography, opened up the field of historical research and collated the research results to provide more authentic references for further study. His practical spirit also set an example for the scholars in younger age.
Key words: Qian Dazhao Historiography Contribution
钱大昭所处时代为乾嘉盛世。这时的清王朝已建立将近一百年,通过大规模的国内战争完成了大一统的政局,政治相对稳定,经济较为繁荣。在思想文化方面,明亡后,宋明理学也随之走向末路,经世致用思想开始在学术界萌芽发展。但是,清朝统治者入主中原后,为招揽知识分子大力推行恩威并施的政策。一方面“崇儒重道”,极力招纳降臣,重开科举,文人讲学著述拥有较宽松的环境;另一方面,为了消除文人志士的反清心理从而加强了思想领域的控制,文化高压政策顺势而生,严酷的文字狱以及禁书令、烧书毁书等使知识分子人人自危,不敢触及文网,学者们只能从事与现实无关的考据学。到了乾嘉时期,考据学蔚为大观,以实事求是为宗旨,强调学术上的务实精神,讲究言必有据,重视实证,这种学术发展环境对钱大昭的严谨求实的治学风格有着必然的影响。 论钱大昭的史学贡献+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/wenxue/lunwen_20680.html