毕业论文关键词:汉代, 班昭, 《女诫》, 女性观
Abstract:Dissuasion of Women, which was written by Ban Zhao in the Eastern Han Dynasty, has been regarded as the first significant work to restrain women in ancient China。 The formation of it was related with Confucian feudal ideology ,social economic structure,the dispute of outside relatives and the enlightenment of Benedict family in Han Dynasty。 The female views in Dissuasion of Women are reduced to seven aspects: men are superior to women, emphasize compliance, gift first, taking virtue as the heavy, abstinence ideology, the treasury in the house,and female education。 However, the female view, stated by Ban Zhao was different from the reality Han Dynasty。 Certainly, as a part of Confucian Theology, it must accelerate the degree of Confucian in the whole Han Dynasty。 As time goes on, this female view became the spirit yoke to women in Ming and Qing Dynasties with the ossification。
Key Words:Han dynasty, Ban Zhao, Dissuasion of Women, female view
目 录
引言 1
一 班昭《女诫》女性观的形成渊源 2
(一) 两汉儒家礼教思想的熏陶 2
(二) 东汉社会经济结构的产物 3
(三) 汉代外戚纷争的教训 4
(四) 班氏家族的人生启示 5
二 班昭《女诫》中的女性观 6
(一) 男尊女卑 6
(二) 强调曲从 6
(三) 以礼为先 7
(四) 重德抑色 8
(五) 贞节思想 8
(六) 务于家室 9
(七) 女性教育 9
三 班昭《女诫》女性观与汉代妇女现实女性观的差距 10
(一) 尊卑观念方面 10
(二) 贞节观念方面 10
(三) 活动范围方面 11
四 班昭《女诫》对后世女性观的影响 12
(一) 东汉后期开始扭曲 12
(二) 明清时期逐渐僵化 12
总结 14
参考文献 15
致谢 16