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时间:2018-05-21 22:00来源:毕业论文

关键词  开口薄壁杆件  弯曲中心  振动微分方程   固有频率  模态分析
毕业设计说明书( 毕业论文)外文摘要
Title  Open thin-walled bar structure   and dynamics of computing research                                 
Open thin-walled bar has certain advantages, in the actual project has been a lot of uses, which has important research value and theoretical significance. Select the topics open thin-walled bar for the study, can enhance the importance of the theory of knowledge and experience from the theoretical study and practical problem stems from the nature of the two inseparable. Simple research this topic selected object structure, easy to analyze, but the modeling process requires a lot of mechanics theoretical support, the ability to have a need for flexibility in the use of; established model equations of motion will have a multi-variable partial differential equations, easy qualitative analysis but a larger workload. This graduation design by kinetic analysis of thin-walled bar opening, the elongated structures can be realized on the law of vibration summary, given the simple modal analysis, providing a theoretical reference for practical engineering research.
Keywords  Thin-walled bar openings   Bending center  Vibration differential equation    Natural frequency     Modal Analysis
目  录
1 绪论    1
2 课题研究背景及意义    2
2.1 薄壁杆件理论体系建立    2
2.2 薄壁杆件振动理论的早期发展    3
2.3 细长杆件弯扭耦合振动的研究概况    3
2.4 研究手段    5
3 理论推导    6
3.1 纵向翘曲位移    6
3.2 约束扭转的正应力    7
3.3 约束扭转剪应力    8
3.4 薄壁梁横截面弯曲中心的计算    8
3.5 连续梁振动微分方程推导    12
4 薄壁梁振动的模态分析    18
4.1 Matlab软件的发展和在机械振动领域的应用的简单介绍    18
4.2 固有频率和模态函数图象    18
4.3 数据,图象分析    28
5 课题中存在的问题和不足    28
结  论    29
致  谢    30
参考文献    31
1 绪论
 2 课题研究背景及意义
细长薄壁杆件结构具有十分著优点如——轻质量、高强度等,所以在实际的工程应用中能够发挥良好的力学性能,且因为结构自身原因在设计上便于优化,因而在早期的交通运输和航空航天以及建筑结构中得以广泛利用,时至今日仍然在这些领域里占据较为主导地位并发挥着十分可观的力学效能。而对于学者以及相关工程师而言,对薄壁结构的性能与特征有十分深刻的了解是十分必要的。 开口薄壁杆件结构计算与动力学特性研究:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_16071.html