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时间:2023-08-27 21:38来源:毕业论文
杭州宁波两市初中科学中考试题比较研究,从试题结构、历年高频考点、考点分析、教学建议等多角度对 2015-2016年杭州、宁波两市的中考科学试卷中涉及的考点知识进行了对比分析

摘    要中学生在接受为期三年的阶段性学习之后,需要接受初中毕业升学文化考试的考验。这场关乎个人、家庭、学校的选拔性考试不仅给学生的义务教育阶段做出了终结性评价,也给普通高中招生提供了重要依据。同时,中考能够较为全面地评估初中毕业生在初中阶段学习目标等方面所达到的水平。通过中考全面推进素质教育,提高学生的科学素养,充分体现了科学课程的改革理念。89910

研究从试题结构、历年高频考点、考点分析、教学建议等多角度对 2015-2016年杭州、宁波两市的中考科学试卷中涉及的考点知识进行了对比分析。研究发现, 两市中考科学试题均坚持能力立意、体现科学本质,合理控制难度,体现了稳中求进的命题特点。近年来的命题趋势多以课本为出发点,紧扣核心,重视方法,强化实验,突出探究,多元整合。通过研究近两年来杭州和宁波两市区的中考科学试题,对日后的教学方面提出建议,旨在培养学生的综合能力和科学素养,以提高国家的科学文化软实力。

Abstract Junior high school students need to accept the test of Senior high school graduation culture examination after a three years of phased learning。 The selective examination of personal, family and school not only makes the final evaluation of the compulsory education stage, but also provides an important basis for the senior high school enrollment。 At the same time, the entrance examination can comprehensively assess the level of junior middle school graduates of learning goals in junior middle school stage。 It can improve students' scientific literacy and promote quality-oriented education comprehensively through Entrance Exam, fully embodies the reform concept of science curriculum。

In this study, the knowledge of the test points involved in the science paper of Hangzhou and Ningbo cities in 2015-2016 is compared and analyzed from the structure of test questions, the analysis of high frequency test sites, test point analysis, teaching suggestions, etc。 The study found that the two entrance examination science questions persist in the ability of conception and reflect the essence of science, reasonable control of difficulty, embodies the characteristics of seek improvement in stability proposition。 In recent years, the propositional trend is based on textbooks, fastening the core, paying attention to methods, strengthening experiments, highlighting exploration and multiplying integration。 

Make suggestions to the future teaching through the analysis, aiming to cultivate students' comprehensive ability and scientific literacy to improve the scientific and cultural soft power of the country。 

毕业论文关键词:中考; 考点分析;  命题细则; 科学素养

Keyword: Senior High School Entrance Exam; The test analysis; Detailed rules for the proposition; Scientific literacy


随着世界各国经济、政治、文化等多方面的不断增强与交流,科学技术与人才                      的竞争已经成为了比较各国综合实力的一大重要看点。科学技术可以促进人类社会的进步,保证一个国家长久、持续地稳定发展。纵观大众科学素养之间的差距,基础教育事业仍应首当其冲,为提高全民科学素养贡献中坚力量。

2。合科型科学课程教学源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766

目前,世界各国都纷纷加强普及全民的基础科学教育,旨在提高国民综合素质和科学素养,提高文化软实力。在我国,中小学生在学校教育的初级阶段就开始接受科学课程的学习。近十年来,为了更好地达到全民科学的培养目标,学界也不断涌现科学课程改革的狂潮,以满足教育目标能时刻保持与人们的思想理念更新同步。例如,在初中阶段不同国家和省份对于初中阶段科学课程实施合科还是分科的教学就作出了明确的指示。  杭州宁波两市初中科学中考试题比较研究:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_195614.html
