摘 要遥感影像通过融合处理可以提高多光谱影像的空间分辨率,改善配准精度,增强地物特征,获得比单一数据更精确、信息更丰富的新影像,是遥感影像数据处理的研究热点之一。本文选取较为常用的像素级融合方法为研究对象。主要介绍了遥感影像融合技术的现状,包括融合方法的原理及优缺点,根据影像的不同地物特征局部选择相应的融合方法,对融合后的结果图进行评价、修改及其应用等内容。89919
Remote sensing image fusion processing can improve the spatial resolution of multispectral image, improve the matching accuracy, enhance the terrain features, to obtain more accurate than a single data, more rich information of the new image, is one of the highlights in agro-scientific research in the remote sensing image data processing。 This article selects the more commonly used pixel level fusion method as the research object。 Mainly introduced the present situation of the remote sensing image fusion technology, including the principle of fusion method and the advantages and disadvantages, according to the different features of the image characteristics of local choose corresponding fusion method, the results of fusion after figure to evaluate, modify, and its application, etc。
With wavelet transform and brovey transform this study as an example, the fusion results are obtained, and the intuitive and information entropy, average, poor standard of evaluation, questions still to be solved and the future development trend, provide a basis for further research。
毕业论文关键字:遥感影像; 像素级融合; 小波变换; Brovey融合; 精度评价;
Keyword: Remote sensing image; Pixel level fusion; The wavelet transform;Brovey fusion; Precision evaluation
目 录
1。引言 3
1。1研究意义 3
1。3论文框架 4
2。基本原理 5
2。1基于非多尺度变换的影像融合方法 5
2。1。1 IHS变换法 5
2。1。2 PCA变换法 6
2。1。3 Brovey变换法(颜色归一化变换) 6
2。2基于多尺度变换的源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 影像融合方法 7
2。2。1小波变换法 7
2。2。2 多尺度几何分析(MGA) 9
3。研究方法 10
3。1测试数据 10
3。2技术流程 11
4。结果与分析 11
4。1融合结果 11
4。1。1Brovey融合结果 11
4。1。2小波变换结果 12
4。2图像融合评价 13
4。2。1主观评价分析 13
4。2。2客观评价分析 15
5。结论与讨论 18
5。1结论 遥感影像多尺度融合方法研究以Brovey融合法与小波融合法为例:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_195630.html