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时间:2024-05-18 11:20来源:95423






Summary:In the dilute gasous Bose-Einstein aggregates there is a dynamically stable and unstable configuration that exhibits behavior similar to gravity black holes in the hydrodynamic limit. Dynamic instability involves the generation of quasi-particle pairs in positive and negative energy states, as in well-known suggested mechanisms for black hole evaporation. We propose a scheme to produce a stable acoustic black hole in a circular trap.

Many studies of the Bose-Einstein condensate of the dilute gas are intended to experimentally produce nonspecific mean field non-trivial configurations or to predict the nature of such a configuration in the presence of quantum fluctuations. These problems are almost not special for condensates, but ultra dilution of dilute gas is so easy to manipulate and control, from experimental [1] and theoretical [2] aspect, they may allow us to analyze the systems that are less suitable by analogy. As an article in this condensate application, in this work we discuss the theoretical framework and propose an experiment to create a black hole in the lab to simulate and simulate its radiation instability.

The hydrodynamic simulations of the event horizon [3] were originally  proposed by Unruh [4] as a more accessible phenomenon that may be related to the Hawking effect [5] (heat radiation from the black hole, negatively reactive negatively) The role of frequency [6-8]. The event range for acoustic waves is, in principle, present at any place with a closed surface where the fluid flows inwardly through the closed  surface at a velocity of sound, which is subsonic on one side of the surface and supersonic on the other side. There is a similar analogy between the sound propagation on the background hydrodynamic flow and the field propagation in the curved space-time; although the hydrodynamics is only the long-wavelength theory of the physical (super) fluid, the field theory in the bending space is considered to be a long wavelength approximation of quantum gravity [7,9]. It is advisable to provide information about the black hole radiation and its sensitivity to high frequency physics in a complete calculation that exceeds the hydrodynamic approximation or in the actual  experiment to determine whether or not the acoustic black hole emits sound. 玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚体中声波黑洞显视界面的理论研究:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_203901.html
