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时间:2024-05-18 11:23来源:95424




Abstract:Ferroelectric thin film has attached much attention due to the microelectronics technology and integrated development in recently years. The most one of significant application of ferroelectric thin film was used as memory devence uints, and predictable demand is still rising year by year However, there are still many problems with ferroelectric films. Such as the issue of interface during filming, fatigue phenomenon and retention performance.

In this paper, Bi6Fe2Ti3O18 ferroelectric films were prepared on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si (100) substrate by chenical solution deposition route. Then, XRD and SEM were used to characterize the ferroelectric thin films. Finally, the ferroelectricity, leakage current, fatigue properties and retention performance of the ferroelectric thin films were measured by ferroelectric tester system. Carefully analyze the experimental data and obtain the following three results: first, Bi6Fe2Ti3O18  ferroelectric film has a well-defined  hysteresis loop , second,  Bi6Fe2Ti3O18    ferroelectric   film  shows  fatigue  phenomenon  and  can rejuvenation after larger voltage stimulation, third, the Bi6Fe2Ti3O18 ferroelectric film present good retention performance.

Keywords: ferroelectric thin film; chemical solution deposition method; fatigue; retention performance


第一章绪论 1

1.1铁电材料研究进展 1

1.2铁电存储器的发展 2

1.3Bi6Fe2Ti3O18晶体结构 3

1.4Bi6Fe2Ti3O18物理性能 4

1.4.1铁电性 4

1.4.2磁性 5

1.5Bi6Fe2Ti3O18铁电薄膜的研究意义 6

1.6化学溶液法基本特性 6

1.7铁电薄膜疲劳特性研究进展 7

1.8铁电薄膜的保持性能研究 8

第二章Bi6Fe2Ti3O18薄膜制备与实验分析 9

2.1Bi6Fe2Ti3O18薄膜制备实验所需原料及设备 9

2.1.1实验所需原料 9

2.1.2实验所需设备 9

2.2Bi6Fe2Ti3O18薄膜制备 9

2.2.1前驱体溶液的配置 9

2.2.2衬底的选择与冲洗 10

2.2.3铁电薄膜的制备 10

2.2.4电极的制备 10

2.3Bi6Fe2Ti3O18薄膜的物相与微观结构表征 铁电薄膜Bi6Fe2Ti3O18的疲劳与保持性能:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_203902.html
