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时间:2024-05-21 20:48来源:95437




关键词:固液界面能 尺寸依赖性温度依赖性

Abstract:The interface characteristics of semiconductors have always been areas of interest.The interface phenomenon is closely related to the traditional chemical industry and the modern high-tech fields represented by the rapid development of microelectronics science and technology,materials science and biotechnology in the 1980s.With the development of science,the new technology and new methods developed by making full use of the interface phenomenon  are emerging.Therefore,the interface phenomenon has always been concerned about the scientific workers.The interface(vapor-liquid  interface,liquid-liquid interface)tension is the basis and starting point for studying the interface phenomena.Interfacial tension data are important chemical basic data,engineering design and industrial production require interfacial tension theory and reliable mathematical model.Scientists,after centuries of unremitting efforts,established a complete traditional Gibbs interface thermodynamics theory,the interface tension made in-depth study,and  achieved fruitful results.

Considering the fact that the structure and energy difference between the solid and the liquid at the melting point are much smaller than those between the solid and the gas or the difference in the structure and energy between the liquid and the gas,in chapter  3  we  have  established  a  description  of  the  metal  and  the semiconductor

temperature dependence The solid-liquid interface energy γsl ( T) and the size and temperature dependence of the solid-liquid interface energy γs(l     r,T)thermodynamic model.The results of the calculation are in agreement with the results of the supercooling experiment of Turnbull,which supports the size of the solid-liquid interface energy as a function of size and temperature dependence.

Discuss the linear relationship between γsl(r,T)and ΔHm for all elements.

Keywords: Solid-liquid interfacial energy;Size dependence;Temperature dependence


第一章绪论 2

1.1课题的目的与意义 2

1.2研究背景 3

1.2.1固—固、固—液界面能的定义与区别 3

1.2.2影响界面能的因素 4

1.2.3研究现状 半导体固液界面能的热力学研究:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_203932.html
