
当前位置: 毕业论文 > 物理论文 >


时间:2024-06-22 11:17来源:95570



Abstract:A ship with a side thruster has a sudden change in the local shape of the bow, resulting in uneven inflow. Then the uneven inflow will cause the propeller to produce  vibration and noise. Meanwhile, the motor in operation will produce vibration and noise. In order to avoid or reduce the impact of vibration and noise on high-precision acoustic equipment, several measures for vibration reduction and noise reduction are designed in this paper. For example, the single shell structure of the original prototype is changed into a double shell structure, and the double shell structure is connected by an elastic buffer device, and is filled with vibration-damping and sound absorbing materials. In order to verify the effect of these measures, firstly, the finite element model of the lateral thruster prototype is established by using ANSYS, workbench and LMS software, and the vibration and noise of the lateral thruster are simulated. After that, the original prototype was retrofitted and simulated again. The results show that the vibration and noise of the thruster with vibration reduction and noise reduction technology are significantly reduced. The prototype and the modified prototype of the thruster were tested in the field to verify the simulation results. It can be found that the vibration of the lateral thruster is obviously increased at high speed, and the noise of the propeller and gearbox is the main noise source. With the vibration and noise reduction technology, the noise of propeller and gearbox has been significantly improved. The average noise of silent lateral thruster is reduced by 6.7dB, and the vibration of shell is only 40% of the original prototype.

Keywords: Side thruster; Silent; Vibration damping; Noise reduction; Sound absorbing material


第一章绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2静音式侧向推进器的现状与发展 2

1.3侧推装置基本理论与特性研究 3

1.3.1侧推装置的用途 3

1.3.2侧推器的构造及工作原理 3

1.3.3侧推器水动力特性 4

1.4本文主要研究内容及研究步骤 5

第二章减振降噪技术 6

2.1螺旋桨减振降噪技术 6

2.1.1改善螺旋桨进流的措施 ANSYS+LMS静音式侧向推进器减振降噪技术研究:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_204175.html
