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时间:2024-07-18 22:59来源:95915



Abstract:By means of density functional theory, GW method and Bethe-Salpter equation, we discuss the electronic structure and optical absorption of monolayer black phosphorus and blue phosphorus. The calculations show that the black phosphorus monolayer is a direct bandgap semiconductor with a band gap of about 1.91 eV, which can be used in optoelectronics; the blue phosphorus monolayer is an indirect bandgap semiconductor with a band gap of about 3.49 eV. More interestingly, the black phosphorus monolayer has a highly anisotropic optical absorption, however, blue phosphorus monolayer has a isotropic opticalabsorption. And they both have considerable exciton binding energy, where is 830 meV for black phosphorus and 760 meV for blue phosphorus, respectively. These results provide valuable guidance for the application of black and blue phosphorus monolayers in electronics and optoelectronics.

Keywords: Black phosphorus; blue phosphorus; GW method; density functional theory; bandgap; optical absorption


第一章绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2石墨烯简介 1

1.3二硫化钼简介 2

1.4黑磷简介 2

1.4.1黑磷电子结构 3

1.4.2黑磷单层电子和光学性质的调谐 4

1.4.3黑磷的相关应用 4

1.5蓝磷简介 5

第二章理论背景 6

2.1薛定谔方程和两个基本近似 7

2.2密度泛函理论 7

2.2.1 Thomas-Feimi-Direc模型 7

2.2.2 Hohenberg-Kohn定理 7

2.2.3 Kohn-Sham方程 8

2.2.4交换关联能泛函 9

2.3多体微扰理论 10

2.3.1准粒子 10

2.3.2Bathe-Salpeter方程和光吸收 11

2.4本文涉及的软件包简介 12

2.4.1Quantum-ESPRESSO 12

2.4.2Yambo软件包 13

第三章磷同素异形体单层的电子结构与光学性质 14

3.1研究背景 14

3.2计算模型与方法 14

3.3结果与讨论 16

本章小结 20

结论 21

致谢 22

参考文献 第五主簇元素单层的电子和光学性质的理论研究:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_204317.html
