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时间:2024-10-19 20:34来源:98030



Positive strain induced phase transition simulation in pure iron films

Abstract:Molecular dynamics simulation  is  a method,  which  bases on Newton’s  second  law and is mainly used to study dynamic atomic phenomena that cannot be directly observed  by experiment, such as strain induced phase transition in iron thin films. In this thesis, we used the molecular dynamics method to study strain induced bcc-hcp transition  in  pure iron  thin  film.  We firstly  tested  the  Meyer-Entel  potential  among  iron  atoms  by measuring the  intrinsic  properties of materials such as  lattice  constants,  bulk  modulus,  and  interatomic bonding  energy  and compared them with theoretical values. For  the  determination  of  the  single  atomic  crystal structure, we chose  the  Common  Neighbor  Analysis(CNA)method.  The  main   part of this paper is to study the  phase transition  simulation  induced  after  the  pure  iron  film  is  stretched.  Besides the simulation of the phase transition temperature, the research  focuses on  the  nucleatio n mechanism of the phase transition in the stretching process. Finally, we also  analyzed  the phase change  path.

KeyWords:Pure Iron;Phase Transformation;Molecular Dynamics Simulation;Co mmon Neighbor  Analysis


1绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2相变 2

1.2.1相变的概念 2

1.2.2马氏体相变 2

1.3铁元素的相变 3

1.4纳米薄膜 4

2研究方法:分子动力学 5

2.1分子动力学概述 5

2.2分子动力学基本原理 5

2.3边界条件 6

2.3.1周期性边界条件 7

2.3.2自由边界条件 7

2.4系统 7

2.4.1正则系统 7

2.4.2微正则系统 7

2.4.3等温等压系统 7

2.5原子间作用势 7

2.5.1原子间嵌入势(EAM) 8

2.5.2铁元素的原子间作用势 8

2.6近邻原子分析法 纯铁薄膜中正应变诱发的相变模拟:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_204857.html
