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时间:2017-04-14 17:12来源:毕业论文

关键词  粉体  流变特性  凝集度   BT-1000
Title    Research of the  rheological behavior of the biomasspowder                         
In the powder industry and products, the biomass powder is in the majority. The rheological properties of biomass powder affect the technological parameter and the equipment design during the power processing.
I measure the flow characteristics and spray flow characteristics of the wood powder,rice husk powder and cane pulp (already determination of moisture content)by the method which evaluate the rheological properties of powder with angle of repose,flat-panel angle,compression degree,agglutination degree,crash degree,deviation degree and dispersion. What’s more , I measure the rheological properties of the pulverized coal and carbon powder as a compare. At the same time, I determine the rheological properties of mixed powder which is composed of wood flour,rice husk powder and cane pith according to the different proportion to find out the influencing factor of the rheological properties of the power. As a result: the flow characteristics and spray flow characteristics of the rice husk powder is the best, but that of the wood powder and cane pulp is almost similar. In the experiment of the three kinds of powder, the spray flow characteristics of two or three powder mixture is less than a single kind. In a study of mixed powder ,when wood flour and rice husk powder mix with a 1:2 ratio, its flow properties is the best.
Keywords  powder  rheological properties  determine   Bt-1000

1  引言    1
1.1 生物质粉体流变特性的研究背景    1
1.2 生物质粉体流变特性的研究现状    2
1.3 粉体流变特性的研究方法    3
2  实验原理    4
材料与方法    8
3.1  原料制备    8
3.2 仪器与设备    9
3.3 含水率的测定    11
3.4 实验方法    12
3.4.1 休止角的测定    13
3.4.2 崩溃角的测定    14
3.4.3 平板角的测定    15
3.4.4 松装密度的测定    16
3.4.5 振实密度的测定(固定体积法)    18
3.4.6 分散度的测定    19
3.4.7 凝集度的测定    20
4 实验结果与分析    22
4.1 粉体的含水率    22
4.2 粉体的流变特性指数    23
结  论    27
致  谢    28
参 考 文 献    29
1  引言
1.1 生物质粉体流变特性的研究背景
随着人类对能源需求量的增加和化石燃料的日益减少,生物质能作为一种可再生能源已经受到世界各国的关注,其热值与中等烟煤相当,在其利用过程中,不会像化石燃料燃烧一样引起和加剧温室效应。但是由于生物质原料体积较大而密度较小,限制了生物质能的工业化应用[1]。 BT-1000生物质粉体流变特性研究+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_5133.html