摘要各种电机在工业得到广泛应用,为了能方便的对电机进行控制、监视、调速,有必要对电机的转速进行测量,从而提高自动化程度。锁相环是一种以消除频率误差为目的的自动相位控制电路, 能够完成两个电信号相位同步的自动控制闭环系统, 简称 PLL。锁相环的特点是:利用外部输入的参考信号控制环路内部振荡信号的频率和相位。因锁相环可以实现输出信号频率对输入信号频率的自动跟踪,所以锁相环通常用于闭环跟踪电路。64981
毕业论文关键词 锁相环 CD4046 转速
Title The measurements of motor speed based on PLL CD4046
Abstract Various motors are widely used in industry, in order to facilitate the control of the motor, monitoring, control, it is necessary to measure the speed of the motor, thereby increasing the degree of automation. Phase locked loop is a automatic phase control circuit in order to eliminating the frequency error and a automatic control loop system could phasing synchronization two signals, referred PLL.Characteristics of PLL is using an external reference signal input control loop internal oscillation signal frequency and phase. The PLL can realize the automatic tracking of the frequency of the output signal of the input signal frequency, so the phase-locked loop is usually used for closed loop track circuit.
This paper introduces the method of motor speed measurement and phase-locked loop applications. CD4046 PLL using the phase difference can be automatically maintained constant, and to track the input signal changes to the benefits of the application, reducing the system error.
Keywords PLL CD4046 Speed measurement
目 录
1 引言 2
1.1 电机转速测量的方法概述 2
1.2 锁相环概念及发展概述 3
1.3 主要工作及内容安排 4
2 系统设计基础知识 5
2.1 转速测量的方法 5
2.2 转速测量原理 6
2.3 锁相环CD4046结构和工作原理 6
3 系统方案提出和论证 10
3.1 霍尔传感器测量方案 10
3.2 光电传感器方案1 10
3.3 光电传感器方案2 12
4.系统硬件设计 13
4.1 转速信号采集 13
4.2 转速信号整形处理 13
4.3 倍频器 14
4.4 计数、译码、显示、控制电路 16
5 系统软件设计 27
5.1 程序流程图 27
5.2 主程序初始化 28
结 论 30
致 谢 31
参考文献 32
1 引言
1.1 电机转速测量的方法概述 基于锁相环CD4046测量电动机转速研究:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_72418.html