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时间:2021-11-29 20:22来源:毕业论文


The college entrance examination in our country was unified before 2000。 However, considering the different levels of education in different regions, it  began to be implemented as the mode of "unified examination time, different examination papers" for different provinces。 Now most of the provinces in China  take the examination mode。 In this paper, based on the comparison between the physics examination papers of Zhejiang Province and national college entrance examination, we summarize and analysize the different focus in examination types, contents and methods。 It could be helpful to answer the question that what should be changed in the college entrance examination of Zhejiang Province if it joins the scope of the national examination system。 In the following, the teaching strategies are also given such as: the ratio of mechanical and electromagnetic in the teaching content should be changed, more attentions should be paid to the design experiments and relationship between physics quantities, and the ability should be improved in solving the problems combining mathematical geometry and two-dimensional coordinate system。


Keyword:  High-school physics;Examination method;College entrance examination


第一章绪论 1

一.问题的提出 1

1。1试卷内容分析的意义 1

1。2本论文的背景 1

1。3研究问题的提出 1

二.研究目的,内容与创新之处 2

一.研究目的 2

二.研究内容 2

三.研究创新之处 2

三. 研究方法,步骤和样本抽取 3

一.研究方法与步骤 3

二. 样本选取 3

第二章高考试卷题型结构的变化 4

2。1试卷题型结构 4

2。2试卷题型结构的变化 4

第三章高考试卷内容分析 6

3。1试卷内容比例的变化 6

3。2计算题知识点分析 7

3。3计算题考核手法分析总结 10

3。4高考实验总结 17

第四章结论 23

参考文献 24




在中国,考试被用来分析一个人现在技能的熟练度与未来可开发的潜在能力,因为高考在中国实行统招统考具有权威性,其考试的测评结果可以获得社会的广泛认可,而各大高校则根据其测评结果进行招生。但是因为中国各高校的差异性与生源的差异性相叠加,其考生最终的命运可谓是天差地别,因此高考被誉为中国人生的第一个转折点,其在中国有着重要的社会地位。因为高考的作用是选拔人才为国家发展出力,所以试卷内容中往往包含着国家对其人才选拔的方向性,通过对其的分析我们可以得出国家对其文化,国民思想,体能要求。而通过试卷内容的对比分析我们则可以看出在教育中其他因素的具体表现,可以为命题人提供数据分析的依据,也可以为考生备考提供参考。 浅析物理高考内容的变化:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_85614.html
