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时间:2018-03-06 14:45来源:毕业论文

Prefecture-level TV livelihood news of innovative thinking
   Abstract: On January the first, 2002, a news programme called “Close Observation on Nanjing” was launched which was broadcast in the form of live show and lasted for 60 minutes. Compared with the traditional model of “speaking and listening” in news, this programme is characterized by the fashion taste and livelihood of normal citizens from the view of their own. In this way, can the interaction between the audience and the news report be realized. The programme of “Close Observation on Nanjing” becomes the news prototype in many local channels overnight and the notion of livelihood news is highly recognized and gains extensive attention. Then, the trend of “livelihood news” is brought up in many city channels, which leads to the booming of the livelihood programme. Based on the former investigations,this dissertation focuses on the analysis of the characteristics of TV livelihood news programme from its origin and development. Through the analyzing of the current situation in local TV livelihood news, the disadvantages as well as the advantages can be generalized. The major objective is to propose some constructive suggestions for its reform and innovation by relating the TV livelihood news with the nature of news programme, the host and the audience. So that the livelihood news in local TV stations would be able to compete with CCTV and to serve the citizens in a better way by setting up the news platform for normal people.
    Key Words: livelihood news in local channels; analysis of the current situation; thinking for innovation
目    录

摘  要    1
Abstract.    1
一、民生新闻栏目概述    2
(一)民生新闻释义    3
(二)地市级民生新闻栏目的兴起及发展    3
(三)地市级民生新闻栏目的特点    4
二、地市级电视台民生新闻栏目的定位分析    6
(一)贴近民生的报道内容    6
(二)贴近生活的主持风格    7
(三)贴近实际的关注对象    8
三、地市级电视台民生新闻栏目的创新思考    9
(一)时政硬新闻,民生软解读    9
(二)注重深度挖掘,遏制新闻低俗    10
(三)加强舆论监督,致力服务民生    10
(四)打造特色主持,突出地域定位    11
(五)注重节目策划,打造品牌栏目    11
参考文献    13
自改革开放以来,我国的电视民生新闻算是在文化、政治、经济快速发展下应运而生,符合时代潮流的新生事物,也与我国“三个代表”的重要思想相辅相成。随着新闻媒体的快速发展,近几年,在各地市级电视台的荧幕上涌现出许多受人喜爱的民生新闻节目,都已其贴近受众,贴近生活的本土化民生特色吸引着一大批电视受众。从民生节目受观众所喜爱的程度我们不难看出,民生新闻之所以迎合了时代的潮流和大众的口,被广大基层群众所欢迎,一方面因为民生新闻是通过多媒体的联动来实现现代化的资源共享,创造出新闻资源没有区域限制的大新闻。另一方面由于民生新闻“贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众”,从而缩小了人们和媒体的距离。地市级电视台的民生新闻栏目也因此打造出了符合自己特色的节目品牌,从而获得持久的发展动力。 地市级电视台民生新闻《南京零距离》的创新思考:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_10635.html