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时间:2016-12-17 21:29来源:毕业论文

摘  要:随着我国经济文化的快速发展,电视节目也发生了剧烈的变革,到处都开始充满了娱乐元素。在激烈的竞争下,娱乐功能一再的被泛化,以吸引和满足受众眼球。电视节目泛娱乐化已经成为一种普遍现象,愈来愈引起社会的关注,过度的娱乐将会导致一系列的社会问题。因此,必须制定并完善传媒制度,从根本上增强从业人员素质,提高受众的审美水平,并结合本土文化、发展特色节目,进一步丰富节目内涵。这些措施在有效提升我国电视传媒质量的同时,社会民众整体素质也将获得提升,使中国电视节目的娱乐化朝着健康积极的方向发展。4462

Analysis on Entertainment Phenomenon and Measures of
TV Program in China
Abstract: With the rapid development of China's economy and culture, TV program have also undergone a dramatic change and began to be full of entertainment elements everywhere. Under the face of fierce competition, the entertainment function was repeatedly generalized so as to attract and meet the audience's eyeball. TV entertainment has become a common phenomenon so that aroused more and more concern of the society because the excessive entertainment will lead to a series of social problems. Therefore, TV program must not only establish and improve the media system, strengthen the quality of practitioners completely, improve the aesthetic level of the audience, but also combine with local cultural characteristics to develop distinctive programs and further enrich the connotation of the program. These measures promote effectively the quality of TV media in China as well as the overall quality of the masses, which put the entertainment of TV program in China towards a healthy and positive direction.
Key Words: Entertainment; TV program; The audien
目    录

摘  要    1
Abstract.    1
一、我国电视节目泛娱乐化的定义及现状    2
(一)泛娱乐化的定义    2
(二)我国电视节目泛娱乐化的现状分析    2
二、我国电视节目泛娱乐化的影响    4
(一)降低电视媒体公信力    4
(二)降低受众审美水平    5
(三)导致受众正确价值观的丧失    5
(四)影响青少年身心健康    6
三、我国电视节目泛娱乐化的原因    7
(一)监管不利,管理机构把关不严    7
(二)利益驱使,盲目追求收视率    7
(三)缺乏创新,粗糙复制同类节目    8
(四)互相迎合,传受双方相互矮化    9
四、针对我国电视节目泛娱乐化现象的应对策略    10
(一)制定并完善传媒制度    10
(二)提高从业人员素质、丰富节目内涵    11
(三)结合本土文化、发展特色节目    11
(四)加强受众文化追求、提高审美水平    12
参考文献    14,4462
电视自诞生之后,我们的娱乐方式发生了巨大的变化。电视和娱乐仿佛是天生一对,一拍即合,人们迎来了电视娱乐的时代。电视借助娱乐发展,扩张;娱乐因为电视走进千家万户。受众适度的娱乐需求合情合理,因为娱乐性是电视媒介的显著特征,娱乐观众是它的分内之事。然而随着我国电视节目的不断变革以及各大电视台的激烈竞争,我国电视节目逐渐出现了泛娱乐化的现象。电视节目纷纷开始用娱乐元素进行包装,以吸引受众眼球。泛娱乐化现象已经普及到电视节目的方方面面,如果不加遏制,后果不堪设想。 我国电视节目泛娱乐化现象及对策探析:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_1147.html