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时间:2018-04-24 17:14来源:毕业论文

摘  要:电视益智娱乐节目借鉴与创新历程本身是“本土化”的体现,只有符合具备创新能力的益智节目才能实现其可持续健康发展。本文以《一站到底》举例,采用例证分析法、以本土化借鉴为切入点,从节目形态模式和内容上进行剖析,并对节目所出现的同质化、娱乐化等现象,提出了一些参考性的建议,如益智类节目要重视选手对抗性、增加故事环节、加大对知识的传播和对正能量的传播、益智类节目要提升自身原创能力,不要盲目跟风模仿。电视节目制作人员也要加强自身素质,不仅仅在于借鉴外国好的节目形式也要符合我国实际情况,本土化的进行创新和改革。这才是益智类节目可持续发展的出路。21729
The reference and innovation process of television intelligence-beneficial entertainment program
--- take the quiz master or the compere as an example
    Abstract:The reference and innovation process of television intelligence-beneficial entertainment program is the embodiment of the "localization", it can realize its sustainable and healthy development only in line with the innovation ability of the program. I take the quiz master or the compere as an example, through using the example analysis method, localization to be the breakthrough point, analyzes from the program configuration mode and content, and to show the phenomenon of homogeneity, entertainment, etc. Taking into consideration, I want to give some reference advices, for example: I think when they do the intelligence-beneficial entertainment program, they should show great importance to the athletes antagonistic, increasing the story link, increasing the spread of knowledge and the positive energy. One more thing, do not blindly follow the imitation, we have to promote its original ability of the intelligence-beneficial entertainment program. Television production workers must strengthen their own abilities, and not just to copy from foreign shows, we also have to respect the actual situation in our country, and we have to consider the local population when we are going to innovate and reform it. May be this is the best way for the sustainable development of the intelligence-beneficial entertainment programs.
    Key words:intelligence-beneficial entertainment program;quiz master; localization;
目    录
摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、电视益智娱乐节目概述和借鉴历程    3
(一)益智娱乐节目的定义和兴起背景    3
(二)我国益智娱乐节目的发展概况    4
     (三)模仿期:节目模式整体照搬国外节目    4
(四)克隆期:版权引进 稍加改动    5
(五)改革期:从引进到探索    5
二、《一站到底》在发展过程中的创新体现    6
(一)夫妻档主持:辅助角色    6
(二)竞赛环节:全民参与    6
(三)答题方式:重娱乐性    6
(四)惩罚机制:重刺激性    7
(五)传播方式:网站+微博+游戏    7
三、《一站到底》在创新中存在的问题    8
(一)答题形式过于娱乐化,题目设置不够益智    8
(二)选手对抗展示不充分,节目竞技节奏感不强    8
(三)环节过度强调游戏性,节目文化内涵缺失    9
(四)选手标签化严重,主持人知识引导作用下降    9
(五)节目制作泛同质化,原创能力不足    10 论电视益智类娱乐节目《一站到底》的借鉴与创新:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_14074.html