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时间:2018-05-03 21:13来源:毕业论文

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Drama of Movie and TV Dialect
Abstract:In recent years, the dialect is used more and more in the TV drama, in the rich content of drama of movie and TV at the same time, but also for the development of film and television dramas to create more space. In the TV drama into the elements of the dialect, has created a new form of drama of movie and TV. Film and television drama dialect also enhanced the film and television play local characteristics and vividness to some extent. Dialect film and television development until now, its inherent drawbacks gradually emerged, and its development is also showing a weak state. This paper from the perspective of the origin and current situation of TV drama dialect application, analysis of advantages and disadvantages of drama of movie and TV dialect in the process of coping strategies of drama of movie and TV, defects in the process of development of dialect, the dialect television drama to get better.
Keywords:film and television drama; dialect; influence; countermeasure
   目    录

摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、影视剧方言化概述    2
(一)影视剧方言化的成因    2
(二)影视剧方言化的现状    2
二、影视剧方言化的利处    3
(一)塑造剧中人物形象    3
(二)文护文化多样性    4
三、影视剧方言化的弊端    4
(一)伤害非本地受众的感情    4
(二)因其地域性而导致质量过低    5
(三)因缺乏原创而导致疲态    5
四、方言影视剧更好的发展策略    6
(一)以方言演员为标签实现方言影视剧的品牌战略    6
(二)以精品剧本为标签实现方言影视剧的品质战略    6
(三)以坚持原创为标签实现方言影视剧的本土战略    7
参考文献    8
在方言影视剧发展的背后,普通影视剧受到了一定的影响,二者也进行过一些回合较量。2004年10月,国家广电总局下令,各电视台电台一律不得播出方言译制片;2005年,重申电视剧不得使用方言;2006年,广电总局副局长胡占凡表示将出台政策,各级广播影视播出机构不得擅自开办使用方言播出的节目。 目前方言影视剧都因其鲜明的特点在许多导演的影视剧中得到广泛的应用。方言影视剧到底有怎样的魅力,它的出现和发展有着怎么样的成因呢?它的出现、存在和发展又应该如何解读?这些问题的研究和解决实为当务之急。 影视剧方言化的利与弊+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_14672.html