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时间:2024-02-16 20:44来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:信息化时代 视觉文化 视觉素养 大学生

Abstract:since ancient times, there were many describe "see" statements, such as "seeing is believing", "seeing is believing", "informed", all these statements show the importance of vision in life。 In recent years, with the accelerated pace of development of information, "dutushidai" has inevitably came to the people's side, the status quo of acquiring strong demand of the era of visual culture and visual literacy of college students and the extreme lack of people more and more depend on the habits and pictures based on video information, just let these shoulder an important responsibility of the image receiving and making students to go as soon as possible to enhance their visual literacy。 This paper mainly through the analysis the lack of visual literacy of contemporary college students in the era of information explosion, and then to the Normal University Institute of media as an example, shows that the construction of College Students' ability of vision Importance and necessity, and puts forward the specific strategies of College Students' visual literacy

Keywords:information age, visual culture, visual literacy, College Students


一、绪论 - 4 -来自优I尔Q论T文D网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766

二、 大学生视觉素养培养的重要性与必要性 - 5 -

(一)视觉素养是满足大学生在视觉时代中学习需求的基本保障 - 5 -

(二)视觉素养是提升大学生认知能力的重要举措 - 5 -

(三)视觉素养是培养大学生创造性思维的必要手段 - 5 -

三、当代大学生视觉素养方面存在的问题 - 6 -

(一)缺乏独立思考,信息甄别能力弱 - 6 -

(二)流于表层,信息解读能力不足 - 6 -

(三)实践运用少,影像创作能力低下 - 7 -

四、大学生视觉素养培养的相关措施 - 7 -

(一)大学生自身自我学习和提高意识是关键 - 7 -

(二)大学生媒介素养的培养是首要措施 - 8 -

(三)视觉素养相关课程教学是重中之重 - 9 -

(四)课外实践活动是提高视觉素养的必要保证 - 10 -

结语 - 11 -

参考文献 - 12 -

致谢 - 13 -

一、绪论论文网 视觉文化视阈下大学生视觉素养构建意义与策略:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_201842.html
