Abstract:Michael Haneke in the movie violence and its representation in the media is often regarded as the core theme of his films, so the New York Times had closed to Haneke “violence master”"of the title。 His films with good performance characteristics of violence to tap and enlarge the dark and twisted psychology of modern people deeply。 In today's Haneke that in this society, violence and evil theme has become an unavoidable problem in the world, we can say that it is a part of our lives。 He showed different characteristics of our movie violence by family and other factors。
This paper is pided into three chapters。 The first chapter analyzes how Michael Haneke is taking family as the starting point, the women and the slaughter of these three factors to explore the plight of mankind in modern society; the second chapter is the analysis from the lens, dark color and film Haneke composition, image style cold; the third chapter attempts to experience from his unique personal philosophy, existentialism to analyze Michael Haneke's movie style formation。
Keywords: Michael Haneke, Violence characteristic,Human nature distortion。
一、 迈克尔·哈内克影片中暴力表现的三个元素 5
(一)家庭 5
(二)女人 6
(三)残杀 7
二、 迈克尔·哈内克影片中暴力表现的美学呈现 8
(一) 镜头 9
(二)色彩 9
(三)构图 10
三、 迈克尔·哈内克电影暴力特点形成的原因 10
(一) 个人经历 11
(二)存在主义哲学 11
(三)德语文学 11
(四)电影大师理论及创作的影响 12
结论 13
参 考 文 献 14
致 谢 15
迈克尔· 哈内克他大学主修心理学并且学习哲学和戏剧,他最开始并不是创作电影的,他在德国电视台做了18年的节目制作后来还导演了大量的舞台剧。直到47岁他才创作了他的第一部电影《第七大陆》。这部电影和后来的《班尼的录像带》和《机遇编年史的71块碎片》共同构成了“冰川三部曲”。然后又自编自导了惊悚恐怖片《大快人心》。这部影片被称为是是一部关于暴力与媒体批判的现实作品。在这一阶段中,迈克尔·哈内克坚持极简主义,淡化故事情节,并且影片中没有多余的叙事线。 迈克尔哈内克影片中的暴力表现的特点:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_203241.html