摘 要:视觉文化也称后现代主义,是把原本非视觉性的东西视像化,广告视觉文化即广告以图形符号及其他视觉元素为媒介,传播产品所赋予的思想、价值观念等文化价值。
ABSTRACT:The visual culture also known as postmodernism, is the original non visual things video, advertising visual culture is advertising graphic symbols and other visual elements as media, communication products with ideas, values and other cultural values.
With the emergence and development of rich media, advertising art visual performance more and more inclined to the ceremony and entertainment, brought a series of moral distortions, extreme problems. The negative moral influence the advertising visual culture brought about as a starting point, the construction of social and cultural value based on the value of advertising media convergence tendency, etc. point of view, explores the advertisement from the perspective of visual culture to guide social moral concept formation, which led to the formation of good social morality, put forward their suggestions and methods.
Key words: visual culture; visual art; social morality; moral criticism
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.2研究现状 1
1.2.1国外研究现状 1
1.2.2国内研究现状 2
1.3研究方法 2
1.4核心概念阐述 2
第二章 视觉文化视角下的广告审视 4
2.1广告与视觉文化 4
2.1.1广告文本与视觉文化的辩证探讨 4
2.1.2广告图形与视觉文化的辩证探讨 4
2.2视觉文化对广告信息传递效果的影响 5
2.2.1广告视觉文化促进广告受众意识形态的构建 5
2.2.2广告视觉文化对道德规范损毁的表现 6
第三章 广告视觉文化的道德批判 7
3.1广告组织机构职业道德的滑坡 7
3.1.1传播媒介 7
3.1.2广告主 7
3.1.3广告公司 7
3.2监管机制的不完善 8
3.2.1广告法规 8
3.2.2广告行业自律 8
3.2.3社会监督 9
第四章 结论
4.1社会舆论正面引导 10
4.2提高广告从业人员职业道德修养 10
4.3完善相关法律法规 11
结束语 广告视觉文化的道德批判研究:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_205240.html