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时间:2024-12-18 22:21来源:99237




关键词 媒介伦理新媒体伦理失范媒介经营治理对策


Abstract:New era, in the continuous development of new media communication environment, the media act as an intermediary role in the dissemination of information at the same time, media ethics topic has also been given a strong concern. Every event, ethical and moral issues will be put on the stage, we can say that the problem of media anomie in the current social environment and the network environment, showing a "wave of unrestrained trend".

This paper will be based on previous studies, combined with the specific case since 2016, the new environment of the media ethics anomie to do a comprehensive, overall analysis. I use the literature, case law and other methods, in the case of combing the process of view.

The author tries to discuss the event from the specific case, combine the theoretical knowledge, analyze the event in depth, and put forward the idea of the feasibility of the action in order to achieve the effect of "taking the standard is also the root cause", so as to reorganize the contemporary media ethics anomie to meager revelation.

Keywords Media ethic New media Ethics anomie Media management Governance measures


1.绪论 1

1.1问题的提出和研究意义 1

1.2本文特色与创新之处 1

1.3本文主要内容 1

2.媒介伦理基本概念以及要求 3

2.1伦理与媒介伦理 3

2.2媒介伦理的要求 3

2.2.1基本准则 4

2.2.2人性标准 4

2.2.3社会启示 5

2.3媒介与媒介伦理失范 5

3.新媒体环境中各类传统媒介发展现状 7

3.1电视媒体面临窘境 7

3.2传统纸媒遭遇寒冬 8

3.3广播电台面临改革 9

3.4新兴媒体竞争激烈 9

4.新媒体环境中媒介伦理失范的主要表现 11

4.1内容方面 11

4.1.1新闻自由的滥用导致二次伤害的出现 11

4.1.2道德审判,介入过多,专业精神难寻 11

4.1.3过度迎合受众,关注点偏离 浅论媒介伦理失范现象:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_205266.html
