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时间:2017-01-16 09:50来源:毕业论文

 摘  要:主持人明星化是提高栏目知名度和收视率的有效手段,也是栏目品牌打造策略的有机组成部分。主持人明星化在一定程度上是栏目品牌成功与否的衡量标准之一。主持人明星化策略,能够凸显栏目的品牌形象定位,形成主持人的独特风格和特色,提高栏目知名度和品牌忠诚度,从而实现主持人和栏目的共赢。但同时,它也存在名牌主持人被栏目捆绑、打破了主持人与栏目的平衡关系等误区。本论文从主持人明星化的起源及其在中国的发展着手,从不同层面分析主持人明星化存在的优势和不足,并针对这些不足提出一些切实可行的解决措施。如有计划地培养自己的明星主持人、选择适合自己品牌形象的明星主持人、处理好明星主持人与品牌栏目之间的平衡关系等。同时通过明星主持人和名牌栏目之间的关系研究,探讨电视台在使用主持人明星化策略时如何正确处理明星主持人与栏目之间的关系,以达到文持观众忠诚、在激烈的媒体竞争中能够脱颖而出的目的。5297

The Research on Star Mastering Ceremony in TV Program
Abstract :Star mastering ceremony in TV program is an effective measure to promote program popularity and audience rating, also the organic component of program branding strategy. Therefore, to some extent, star mastering ceremony in TV program is one of the measurement standards to judge whether the program brand is successful or not. The strategy of star mastering ceremony in TV program can highlight the image positioning of program brand, form ceremony master’s inpidually unique style, enhance program popularity and brand loyalty, and thus realize win-win effect for both master of ceremony and the program. However, there are some misunderstandings for star mastering ceremony in TV program; for example, well-known ceremony masters are restricted within program concerned, which will surely break the balance of ceremony master and the program. Starting from the origin and development of star mastering ceremony in TV program in China, the author analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of star mastering ceremony in TV program in different aspects and proposes some practical solutions to deal with the disadvantages, for example, how to cultivate their own star master of ceremony as planned; how to select suitable star master of ceremony for their own program brand; and how to deal with the balance of star master of ceremony and program brand. Meanwhile, the author also explores how the TV station deals with the relationship of star master of ceremony and the program when carrying out strategy of star mastering ceremony in TV program through the research on relationship between star master of ceremony and famous brand program so as to maintain audience loyalty to stand out in the severe media competition.
    Keywords: star mastering ceremony in TV program; advantages; misunderstandings; strategy
目    录

摘  要    1
Abstract.    1
一、主持人明星化的发展背景    2
(一)主持人明星化的起源    2
(二)主持人明星化在中国的发展    3
二、主持人明星化的优势    4
(一)凸显栏目的品牌形象定位    4
(二)主持人与栏目实现互利共赢    4
(三)形成主持人的独特风格和特色    5
(四)提高栏目知名度和品牌忠诚度    5
三、主持人明星化在运用中存在的误区    6
(一)重引进外援,轻自己培养    6
(二)明星主持人与栏目品牌形象不协调    6
(三)多档相似栏目启用同一主持人    7 主持人明星化现象研究+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_2274.html