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时间:2017-02-21 21:41来源:毕业论文

摘  要:目前,我们处在经济快速发展及社会高度进步的时代,突发性灾难事件频发,公共安全屡遭威胁。媒体是和政府的喉舌,有着上传下达信息的作用,为使政府的有力措施和民众的真实心声得到有效传递,媒体在灾难事件的报道中必须担当起责任。然而,现在虚假新闻、有偿新闻泛滥,媒体自身素质存在很大的问题,这一现象不利于媒体的长远发展。因此毕业论文对突发灾难事件报道中媒体责任的缺失现象进行研究,对媒体失责的原因进行分析,从而寻找出有效的解决办法显得非常必要,这将会促进媒体更好地担当起社会责任。5927

Analysis of Catastrophic Coverage of Media Responsibility
Abstract: Nowadays, we are in the age with the rapid development of economy and highly advanced of society. It is an era that sudden and catastrophic events happen frequently, public safeties suffer repeated threaten.As mouthpiece of the party and government, the role of media is to transmit messages between lower and upper. In order to transmit government’s measures and masses’ voice effectively, the media are supposed to undertake responsibility to report catastrophic events. Because of the problems of media’s quality, false and paid news spread unchecked nowadays. This phenomenon is not conducive to long-term development of media. Therefore, it is very necessary to research the lack of responsibility in the report of sudden and catastrophic events, and analysis the phenomenon and its reason of the lack of media’s responsibility, find measures to solve those problems 8effectively, this will facilitate the media to better take on social responsibility
Key words: catastrophic events; media’s responsibility; credibility; right to know
目    录

摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、灾难报道中媒体的基本责任    2
(一)客观报道新闻,传递正确信息    2
(二)正确引导舆论、稳定民心    2
(三)文护公共利益,构建和谐社会    3
(四)提高社会抗御能力    4
二、灾难报道中出现的媒体失责现象    4
(一)媒体“炒作”现象严重    5
(二)媒体报道缺乏人文关怀    5
(三)“媒介审判”屡见不鲜    6
(四)灾难事件媒体报道不深入    7
三、导致媒体失责现象的原因    7
(一)媒体注重自身利益,缺失社会责任    7
(二)灾难报道模式化,缺乏人文关怀    8
(三)媒体越位导致媒介审判    9
(四)灾难报道受到个人或地方团体的阻挠    9
四、促进灾难报道中媒体责任担当的措施    10
(一)媒体要强化责任意识,促进责任担当    10
(二)注重人文关怀    10
(三)完善新闻立法、加强媒体自律    11
(四)报道中妥善处理地方政府和媒体的关系    11
参考文献    13
9.11事件、SARS、海啸、汶川大地震、广西南丹矿难事件、核泄漏引发的抢盐事件、北京7•21大水事件、H7N9禽流感事件、雅安地震等等一次次冲击着人们的神经。灾难使个人生命安全受到威胁,使家庭支离破碎,使国家遭受巨大的经济物质损失。同时灾难给人们心理带来沉重打击,不利于社会的稳定发展。然而媒体对于灾难的报道缺乏人文关怀,缺乏对灾难本身的报道,对灾难报道存在不报、迟缓 浅析突发性灾难报道中的媒体责任:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_3217.html