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时间:2017-06-08 23:15来源:毕业论文

关键词   混搭   文化混搭   大众传媒
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要    
Title  Cultural Mix&Match and Mass Media
Mix&Match referred to a term reserved for the use in the field of fashion. With the development of mass media, mix&match has spread from the circle of fashion to all walks of life, becoming an attractive cultural phenomenon. The way of expressing culture mix&match is perse and complex, arousing people's interest in its character and its origin. The overwhelming spring-up of new mass media, together with traditional mass media, has broadened the extent of the development of cultural mix&match and deepened its meaning of its existence. As for the development of culture, mix&match not only inherits the traditions, but also brings opportunity to innovation of cultures. This paper probes to systematically analyze the formation and development of “mix&match” from the perspective of the characters of mix&match and the interaction between mass media and cultural mix&match, making a judgment of the value of cultural mix&match. As for the shortcomings and disadvantages of cultural mix&match, the author will give some advice, such as mass media taking part in the cultural construction, to deal with them.
Keywords   Mix&Match   Cultural Mix&Match   Mass Media
1  引言1
2  文化混搭的概念1
2.1  “文化混搭”的概念1
2.2  文化混搭的存在形式2
2.2.1  跨领域混搭2
2.2.2  跨时代混搭3
2.2.3  跨阶层混搭3
2.2.4  跨性别混搭4
2.2.5  跨地域混搭4
2.2.6  混搭的多样化5
3  文化混搭存在的原因7
3.1  社会认同7
3.2  求新心理7
3.3  技术发展7
3.4  经济原因8
3.5  政治原因9
3.6  后现代主义文化思潮9
4  大众传播与文化混搭的相互作用10
4.1  大众传媒对文化混搭的影响10
4.2  文化混搭对大众传媒领域的影响11
5  文化混搭存在的意义12
5.1  促进文化多样性发展12
5.2  激发人的创新精神12
6  文化混搭的反思13
6.1  伦理建构13
6.2  监督管理14
6.3  传媒责任15
结论 16
致谢 17
参考文献 18
1  引言
  “混搭”迅速进入公众的视野,成为一种流行的风潮,。一夕之间“混搭”成为时尚的风向标,随之而来的是街头琳琅满目的混搭服装店、时尚杂志随处可见的混搭风格模板。但是,与此相对应的是大众对“混搭”有着不同的理解,如对混搭概念和标准的模糊性认识、对混搭领域的局限性认识、以及对混搭风格表现方式的迷惑等等。这些迷惑和不解主要是因为“混搭”作为一种文化现象还没有被系统的研究,它虽然被广泛的运用到各种领域之中,但是普通大众对“混搭”的理解仍旧局限在“混合搭配”、“组合”、“拼贴”等这些表面的词义,由于缺少专业性理论性的指导,人们尚不能够从系统风格这些深层方面来理解和认识混搭及文化混搭。 文化混搭与大众传媒论文+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_8810.html