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时间:2022-12-19 22:31来源:毕业论文


该平台的设计实现了用户登录,城市选择,日期选择,环境指数及雾霾程度显示和预警的功能。用户注册登录后进入软件主界面,可以修改密码或者选择城市查询信息;选择城市和需要查询的日期后,APP显示所选城市在该日期的空气指数;当空气指数超过一定标准时进行红色警告、声音提示、文字提醒三重预警,提醒用户进行防霾措施,并给出防护措施建议。程序以Android为开发平台,采用Eclipse作为开发工具,使用XML技术进行界面设计,后台逻辑处理使用Java语言进行开发,利用JDBC 技术建立SQLite数据库完成数据的存取功能。



Abstract With the concept of “smog” putting forward, people begin to realize the seriousness of atmospheric pollution and emphasize on the prevention of smog gradually。 However there is a lack of software related to smog。 Therefore, it is necessary for us to develop a mobile based smog warning software, which can deal with the current frequency of extreme weather and the graveness of smog pollution。

The design includes the user login, city selection, date selection, environmental index and the display of the smog degree。 Users who enter the main interface after registration can change the password or select a city to query information。 After selecting cities and dates to be queried, the APP will display the air quality index of the selected city on the queried day。 When the air quality index exceeds a certain standard, there will be a red warning, voice prompting and text reminders as triple warning。 The warnings remind users  to prevent smog and then protective measures recommendations are given。 The procedure is built on Android development platform and uses Eclipse as a development tool。 The foreground interface is designed by the XML technology and background program is implemented by Java language。 The platform uses the JDBC technology to connect the established smog database by the SQLite software。

The designed smog warning software is a mobile application platform。 Compared with the conventional weather forecasting software, our platform focuses on the smog warning and provides users with practical recommendations。

Keywords: Smog; Android; Warning platform


第一章 绪论 1

1。1 选题背景和目的 1

1。2 研究现状 2

1。3 研究内容与方法 2

1。4 小结 3

第二章 开发环境 4

2。1 Android平台 4

2。1。1 Android架构 4

2。1。2 Android组件 5

2。1。3 Android SDK 6

2。2 Java编程语言 8

2。2。1 Java开发环境 9

2。2。2 Eclipse平台 9

2。3 SQLite数据库 10
