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时间:2017-03-06 22:28来源:毕业论文

摘要:目前许多城市都面临着严重的交通拥挤的问题,和人口稠密区域的车辆所带来的空气污染问题,为了有效解决该类问题,政府正在通过修建地下轨道交通,以减轻所面临的城市交通压力和环境污染等问题。环境控制是城市轨道交通至关重要的系统之一,在正常的运行期间,为乘客创建感到舒适的环境,为隧道排除预热等;在紧急状况下,可以有效的控制烟气,为乘客安全疏散提供营生的环境。本设计是基于PLC在地铁隧道通风系统中的应用,通过现场以及BAS方式远程控制,通过PLC的编程以及最终实现对地铁环境状态的多种控制方式,并且介绍了地铁风机的硬件设计,PLC选型,风机安全防护设计,系统软件设计,PLC梯形图设计,硬件接线等多方面内容。   6345
Design of Subway Blowers Base on PLC System
Abstract:Many cities are facing a serious problem of traffic congestion, and densely populated areas of air pollution caused by vehicle problems, in order to effectively solve such problems, the government is building underground rail traffic through to alleviate traffic pressure faced by and environmental pollution. Environmental control is vital urban rail transit systems in the world, in normal operation, to create a comfortable environment for passengers, excluding the tunnel preheating; in an emergency situation, you can effectively control the flue gas for the safety of passengers provide a living environment for evacuation. This design is based on the PLC in the subway tunnel ventilation system application, BAS way through the field and remote control through PLC programming and, ultimately, the state of the environment on the subway a variety of control methods, and introduced the subway fan hardware design, PLC election type, fan safety protection design, system software design, PLC ladder design, hardware wiring, and many other content.
Key words:Metro Tunnel;Ventilation control:Programmable Logic Controller;Ladder diagram
1绪论    1
1.1 国内地铁通风设备设计现状    1
1.2 地铁通风系统简介    2
1.2.1 活塞通风    2
1.2.2 机械通风    2
1.2.3 闭式系统    2
1.2.4屏蔽门系统    3
1.3 BAS环境控制系统    3
1.4 本文主要内容    4
2控制系统总体设计    5
2.1 车站空调系统的区分    5
2.1.1车站空调通风系统区分    5
2.1.2隧道通风系统区分    5
2.1.3隧道通风系统    5
2.3 站台排热系统    5
2.3 运行情况分类    6
2.3.1 正常运行状态    6
2.3.2 阻塞运行状态    6
2.3.3 火灾事故运行状态    7
2.4设计思路    7
3 风机控制系统硬件设计    8
3.1 变频器的选择    8
3.1.1 变频器额定电流的选择    8
3.1.2 变频器额定电压的选择    8
3.1.3 变频器额定容量的选择    8
3.2 风机运行状态监测硬件    9
3.3 PLC的设计与选择    9
3.3.1 PLC设计基本内容    9
3.3.2 PLC点位设置    10
3.3.3 PLC的选择    11
3.3.4 PLC各接口的I/0接线图    13
3.4 风机接线设计    13
4软件设计    15
4.1 软件设计流程    15
4.2 梯形图简介    16
4.3 梯形图设计    16 地铁站风机PLC控制系统设计+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/yanjiu/lunwen_3834.html