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时间:2020-12-24 20:38来源:毕业论文
4 2.2 The importance of games in language learning 4 2.3 Games and vocabulary learning 5 Chapter 3 Research Design 8 3.1 Research questions 8 3.2 Participants 8 3.3 Research tools 9 3.3.1 Tests 9 3.3.


2.2 The importance of games in language learning 4

2.3 Games and vocabulary learning 5

Chapter 3 Research Design 8

3.1 Research questions 8

3.2 Participants 8

3.3 Research tools 9

3.3.1 Tests 9

3.3.2 Questionnaire

3.4 Procedure 10

3.5 Teaching cases

Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 14

4.1 Results and discussion of research question one 14

4.2 Results and discussion of research question two 17

Chapter 5 the conclusion of the research and further development trend 19

5.1 Major Findings and Implications 19

5.2 Limitations and Future Expectations 19

Reference 20

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the research

As for the foreign language learners, mastering the language vocabulary is the basis step to raise the level of foreign language and also the key part of learning. Primary school stage is the basic stage of English learning, and the vocabulary is the basis of it. In the traditional vocabulary teaching process, repeat and dictation are the main teaching methods for the teachers to test students' vocabulary memory method. Repeat several times to the pupils, especially low grade students will easily lead to boring and inattention. And the passive accept would cause them to lose interest in learning vocabulary, even produce the disgusted emotions. The dictation is considered to be a major problem, and even some students mark some Chinese symbols on the English to memory. These problems have caused the students to learn the vocabulary with no interest. The vocabulary is the basis of English learning, if the students can’t learn the vocabulary well, how can they use the sentences? So the main task of primary school English teaching is to stimulate and arouse students' interest in English vocabulary learning, and interest is the best teacher.

The application of classroom games in vocabulary teaching is also a response to the requirements of the new curriculum. The primary school English teaching should be more effective. The full time compulsory education curriculum standards in English for English curriculum tasks were set the interpretation: The main task of English learning is to inspire and cultivate the students' English learning interest, to enable students to establish self-confidence, to set up good learning habits and effective learning strategies, to get the development of autonomous learning ability and cooperation spirit, to enable students to master certain basic knowledge of English and listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, to form comprehensive language application ability and cultivate students' observation, memory, thinking, imagination ability and innovation spirit, to help students to understand the cultural differences between Eastern and Western countries, and lay a good foundation for students' lifelong learning and development. Requirement of the new English curriculum standards is the English effective teaching. It changes the inefficient traditional English teaching and the ineffective teaching situation. And the key step is to use the class games. It can startfrom the most basic vocabulary. And it plays subjective role in learning English, so as to improve the effect of teaching, improve teaching efficiency and achieve the purpose of effective teaching.源:自'优尔.·论,文;网·www.youerw.com/ 课堂游戏对英语词汇教学的影响(2):http://www.youerw.com/yanjiu/lunwen_66964.html
