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时间:2020-12-24 20:38来源:毕业论文
1.2 The significance of the research This research is a study on the use of games in vocabulary teaching. Through this study, we put vocabulary game and vocabulary classroom teaching combine together,

1.2 The significance of the research

This research is a study on the use of games in vocabulary teaching. Through this study, we put vocabulary game and vocabulary classroom teaching combine together, in vocabulary teaching, the game is good fun and attractive, improved the traditional repeated listening to correct reading and vocabulary teaching, respect the need for physical and mental development of students' learning stage, help students better grasp the new words. At the same time, according to the teaching concept of constructivism, through the study of the use of vocabulary classroom games, external stimulation and internal interest of students to promote, in line with the cognitive structure of the development of students. The study on children's cognitive psychology of language as the goal, not only for the vocabulary teaching has very good reference, at the same time, for the children in the whole teaching process of English language interesting teaching and learning has great value. Class game can stimulate students' interest, so that students can learn vocabulary easily in the atmosphere of happiness. And the vocabulary class with educational games can better exercise their thinking ability, and can effectively achieve the standard of English curriculum teaching.

1.3 Organization of the thesis

The first chapter is the introduction. It mainly introduces the application background and the research of class games in primary school and the value of the English class games in education. On the basis of the problem and the introduction shows the research methods and research ideas; 

The second chapter mainly shows the current research situation, then introduces the basic situation of the research of teaching games in China and foreign countries, and the domestic education games in primary school English education in the present application. And it also talks about the detail study, to show the analysis of the game design of the two kinds of selected types of vocabulary class, the analysis construction of these games, and the reason to be selected; 

The third chapter is mainly about the teaching experiment design. It is the main part of this paper. The author chooses two classes in grade two from the X school in Hangzhou Xihu District. Andthe two classes are named as class A and class B. Each of them has 36 students. The researcher carriesout four classroom experiments and also makes the experimental evaluation of teaching effectiveness, which shows that vocabulary game in English vocabulary teaching in primary school can achieve more; 

In the fourth chapter, it shows the results and discussion of the experiment;文献综述

In the fifth chapter, it shows the conclusion of the research, and puts forward the shortage of experiment. It also refers the further research trend of the value of vocabulary games in English learning.
