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时间:2020-08-17 21:18来源:毕业论文

摘  要 : 平江地区舞蹈种类繁多,是湖南省舞蹈文化的一个重要组成部分。平江龙舞种类形态各异、源远流长,源于平江人民的劳作生产、庆典娱乐、求神祭祀当中,是平江人民智慧的结晶,传递着平江人民的思想文明、信仰、生活状态。加强平江龙舞的保护与传承,是平江非物质文化遗产的发展需要。然而,随着经济的快速发展,人们生活和文化环境发生了巨大的改变,平江龙舞正面临着严峻的挑战,专业团队和优秀人才的缩减、后继人才缺乏、缺少理论知识的探讨、只能依靠传统的口传身授方式传承等问题。本论文以平江龙舞的保护和传承为切入点,探讨和分析平江龙舞的生存现状和保护对策,为其他平江非物质文化遗产的保护与传承提供积极借鉴。54316

毕业论文关 键 词 :平江龙舞,保护,传承

Abstract :At pingkiang region there are many different kinds of dance and dance culture of hunan province is an important part of. At pingkiang type dragon dance forms, has a long history. Such as dragon dance, the grass dragon dance, Huang Longwu, nine dragon dance and so on, these are all production at pingkiang, comes from the people's work, celebration, may god worship of entertainment, it is the crystallization of the wisdom of the people; at pingkiang, convey people's ideological civilization, beliefs and life state. At pingkiang, at pingkiang, strengthen the protection and inheritance, dragon dance is the needs of the intangible cultural heritage development. However, with the rapid development of economy, people's living and cultural environment, great changes have taken place, at pingkiang dragon dance is facing severe challenges, professional team and excellent talents to shrink, the subsequent lack of talent, lack of theoretical knowledge, can only rely on the traditional oral inheritance issues such as body gives way. At pingkiang, in this paper, protection and inheritance of dragon dance as the breakthrough point, discussion and analysis at pingkiang dragon dance the survival status and protection countermeasures, for other at pingkiang non-material cultural heritage protection and inheritance provide positive reference.

Keywords: Pingjiang dragon dance, protection ,inheritance

目 录

1 前言 4

2 平江龙舞的概况 4

3 平江龙舞的主要种类及风格特征 5

3.1 黄龙舞 5

3.2 火龙舞 5

3.3 草龙舞 6

4 平江龙舞的生存现状 6

5 平江龙舞的传承与保护 7

5.1 完善保护系统,大力扶持平江龙舞 7

5.2 走进校园,积极推广平江龙舞 8

5.3 与旅游业合作,平江龙舞市场化 8

5.4 扩大传播,平江龙舞都市大众化 8

结论 9

参考文献 10

致谢 11

1 前言

平江地方舞蹈种类繁多,在各类民间舞中,龙舞流传地区最广、最受广大人民的欢迎、也最具有象征性和探索性、现今为止依然是当地人民生活中的重要部分。平江龙舞的产生与平江地域、历史特征密不可分,在发展过程中依然收到农耕文化区域对舞蹈形态的影响。当前,它的传承与保护面临着各种难题,现状不容乐观,传承和保护平江龙舞的意义重大,对振兴平江龙舞和保护平江非物质文化遗产都有着巨大的作用。 对平江龙舞传承与保护的研究与思考:http://www.youerw.com/yinyue/lunwen_58519.html
