摘 要:《曲式与作品分析》是大多数高等音乐院校都开设的一门专业性课程,是从作品的形式结构、曲风特征、时代背景,到它所想表达的内涵和社会的分析。长期以来,人们在声乐演唱表演中,太多注重作品的完整性、音域的高低、作品的形式,从而忽视或不重视作品的内涵和社会历史的分析,作者所表达的思想,作品所代表的时代特征等等。本文从分析江苏民歌《无锡景》为例,阐述了声乐作品表演的好坏,取决于演唱者在演唱之前对它的分析与理解、对它的二度创作,理解每一句话的含义,理解作者的思想,理解每一个断句与重音等等,才能更好的阐释作品,才能更好的表演,才能让观众看见美、感受美。56977
Abstract:A professional course offered by most higher music academies is “Musical Form and Works Analysis”, which analyzes works from their forms,structures,style characteristics, social backgrounds and the connotations the composers want to deliver. For a long time in the vocal music performance, people attach great importance to the integrity, vocal range and forms of works while pay little attention to or even neglect the analysis of connotations and social backgrounds of the works, the composers’ thoughts and the characteristics of the times as well.In this paper,from the analysis of the Jiang su folk song"Wu xi king"as the example,elaborated the vocal music performance is good or bad depends on the vocalist’s correct analysis and comprehension and recreation of the works before hen performance. To make the audience find feel the beauty of the works, the performer must understand every word,grasp the author’s thoughts and know every punctuation and stress, which can also contribute to a better interpretation of the works.
Keywords:form,analysis of works,performance
目 录
1前言 3
2《无锡景》歌曲分析 3
2.1写作背景分析 3
2.2无锡方言分析 4
2.3曲式分析 5
结论 9
致谢 11
1 前言
2 《无锡景》歌曲分析
2.1 写作背景分析
民歌一般都是人们口头即兴创作和流传的,在经过人们口口相传的过程中,民歌不停的被集体劳动人民有意或者无意的添加新词、修改曲调,使歌曲变得更为简便上口,成为劳动人民耳熟能详的歌曲。 以《无锡景》为例浅谈歌曲分析在表演中的作用:http://www.youerw.com/yinyue/lunwen_61561.html