摘 要:舞蹈学师范人才培养目标是以芭蕾舞唯美的艺术表现风格为追求,通过科学规范的训练方法为手段,培养着许多综合素质较高、基本功坚固的专业舞者,具有着能够持续发展能力的师范类舞蹈人才。本文研究的是舞蹈学师范人才培养中芭蕾基训功能发挥,目的在于总结目前我国舞蹈师范类人才培养的不足,分析芭蕾基训对未来的舞蹈老师培养起到的作用,发挥芭蕾的严谨性,规范性,为舞蹈学师范人才培养起到一定的借鉴意义,从而指导院校更加重视芭蕾基训在舞蹈师范类人才培养中的作用发挥。72498
Abstract: Dance teacher personnel training goal is to the pursuit of beautiful ballet art style, with rigorous scientific and standardized training methods as a means, to dance school teachers colleges and performing groups cultured with high comprehensive quality, solid professional foundation, have the capacity for sustainable development of the dance talented teachers。 In this paper, the dance teacher talent training in ballet basic training function, the purpose of which is to summarize deficiencies of current our country dance talented teachers training and ballet basic training for the future of the dance teacher training to the role analysis, play the preciseness of the ballet, normative, for dance school teachers training some reference, so as to guide the colleges pay more attention to the ballet basic training in the dance talented teachers training to play the role。
Key words:Dance teachers, Teacher training, Ballet training
目 录
引言 4
1 相关理论概述 4
1。1芭蕾基训的概念 4
1。2芭蕾舞师范人才培养的涵义 5
2 舞蹈学师范人才培养中芭蕾基训开展现状 5
2。1我国当前各大高校开设艺术类专业的状况 6
2。2全国高校舞蹈系和舞蹈专业设置情况 6
3 舞蹈学师范人才培养中芭蕾基训功能发挥的不足 6
3。1有显性问题和隐性问题 6
3。2主要问题和次要问题 7
3。3根源问题和派生问题 7
3。4习惯性问题 7
4 完善芭蕾基训功能在人才培养中的功能发挥策略 8
4。1塑造肌肉线条 8
4。2提高舞蹈技能 8
4。3增强舞蹈劲力 9
4。4加强艺术表现力 10
4。5综合能力的提升 11
结 论 11
参 考 文 献 10
致 谢 11
1 相关理论概述
1。1芭蕾基训的概念 舞蹈学师范人才培养中芭蕾基训功能发挥:http://www.youerw.com/yinyue/lunwen_82496.html