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时间:2018-03-19 19:29来源:毕业论文

关键词  老年人  人机交互  人性化设计  交流平台 
Title      Product innovation design for elderly people                                             
The development of the society promotes the improvement of people's living level,but in turn to accelerate the social trend of aging,which lead to  aging product innovation design should be considered seriously.This paper aims to analyze the product innovation design existed,digging out the basic direction of the aging population in product design. In view of the system operation of existing interactive conversation platform is too complex, recommending creating interactive conversation platform which belongs to elderly themselves,using a series of design tools like Human computer interaction,Humanization design.Remove some of the redundant set to elderly people,let the conduction and operation of the whole system get more close to the aging group. This design is based on the humanized design concept, offering a very good solution to the problem that the elderly people lacks   interaction with family and that need to be cared by family. 
Keywords  elderly people  Human computer interaction  Humanization design   conversation platform 
  目   次 
1   引言 1
1.1  研究背景 1
1.2  研究目的与意义 1
1.3  老龄人群产品设计概述 3
  1.4  国内外老龄人群产品设计的现状3
  2   用户人群现实背景 4
2.1  老龄人群心理分析4
2.2  老龄人群生活形态的分析4
2.3  老龄人群现状小结 5
3   现有老龄人群产品市场分析 5
3.1  感性工学与人性化设计的老年产品5
3.2  基于人机交互的老年产品7
4   老龄人群创新产品设计 8
4.1  老龄人群交流现状8
4.2  现代交流平台分析9
4.3  面向老年人互动交流平台共享系统的产品创新设计9
4.3.1  平台系统运作9
4.3.2  平台系统优势 11
4.3.3  人机操作12
4.3.4  界面设计14
结论  16
致谢  17
 1  引言
1.1  研究背景
科技的进步,推动了人类社会的发展,丰腴的物质基础与经济力量促进了新的消费模式。产品设计的观念开始逐步深入人心,人们不再单纯地只是追求产品的外观。受到人性化设计、人机工学、感性工学等外来因素的影响,产品设计步入多元化的阶段。世界老龄化趋势的加剧,也引出了老龄人群产品创新设计这个新概念。然而相较于国外,国内的老龄产品创新设计没有太多的经验。不像日本那样对产品细节的处理特别独到,并将感性设计融入其中其产品设计中,所以设计区分度较低,年轻人与老年人都能够轻松驾驭;也不像德国强调严谨的设计风格,借鉴人机工程学的理念,所以设计区分度较高,其老年人能享受到独有的产品设计。 面向老龄人群的互动交流平台产品创新设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_11327.html