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时间:2023-11-07 22:14来源:毕业论文



Abstract:From the aesthetic consciousness at the beginning of China has been developed in the Southern Song Dynasty, calligraphy culture history is glorious and resplendent, a lot of calligraphy in the Northern Song Dynasty Jingkang change。 The humiliation brought countless injuries to people, such a social background has led to the Southern Song Dynasty calligrapher class is very few, but there are still a lot of scholars in the art of calligraphy to contribute their strength。 In the creation of calligraphy, the calligraphy of the Northern Song Dynasty inherited Shangyi calligraphy style and the calligrapher mostly poems and articles are good at poet calligrapher, generating stool is one of them。 This article from the background of Fan Chengda's life, to explore the art of calligraphy。 "Fan Chengda calligraphy art" is this article The key, the author uses the graphic method, analysis method, comparison method, elaborates on Fan Chengda's calligraphy art style from different angles。 And then analyzes the Shangyi wind book to Fan Chengda calligraphy creation brought one view, make us a better understanding of Fan Chengda's calligraphy thought, grasp the essence of calligraphy creation。

Keywords:Fan Chengda, calligraphy art, Shang Yi,  calligraphy style 

目  录

1。南宋书风成因以及范成大个人生平 5

1。1 简述南宋书风的形成原因 5

1。2  范成大所处的社会时代背景 5

1。3 范成大个人生平 6

2。范成大的书法艺术 7

2。1 取法渊源 7

2。2 书法追求 8

2。3 书学思想 14

3。范成大书法创作的一体观 14

3。1 人格与书法创作 14

3。2 饮酒与书法创作 15

3。3 诗歌与书法创作 15

结语 17

参 考 文 献 18

致  谢 19


1。1 简述南宋书风的形成原因来自优I尔Y论S文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766


但是好景不长,北宋末年的“靖康之变”之后北宋政权覆灭,文明也受到了重创。活跃在书坛上的南宋北宋交替之际的书法代表人物,战乱期间,他们经历了兵荒马乱和颠沛流离。由于不断往南方迁移,他们不仅失去了家园和一些收藏的作品,还失去了研究学习书法的条件和氛围。所以南宋的书法较之北宋的书法,书风相对衰微。并且由于北宋初期废除了“书判取士”的做法,使书法成为文人士大夫晚年修身养性的一种形式。同时南宋承北宋余绪,人们一味地模仿,忽视了创新。 尚意书风下的文人情怀以范成大为例:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_198347.html
