摘 要:随着餐饮市场的迅速发展,人们对于餐饮的需求逐渐高涨,高品质的餐饮享受也越来越成为一种潮流。好的餐厅不仅仅需要提供好的产品和好的服务,好的餐饮环境更成为吸引食客眼球的重要因素。相比较传统餐厅,主题餐厅则更容易抓住顾客的眼球,主题餐厅于20世纪90年代末进入中国,从此惹起了一股主题餐厅热。主题餐厅以它的鲜明的主题文化特征吸引大量的消费者,给竞争激烈的餐饮市场注入一股新的活力,也引发了餐饮市场结构的调整。对于今天的餐饮市场现状来看,主题餐厅如雨后春笋般崛起,市场上主题餐厅的数量众多。但是,国内主题餐厅在体现主题概念方面也存在很多不足。本论文最主题对空间布局进行详细的论述。通过主题餐厅的形式,以此来表达特殊的文化内涵,以特定的主题来表达特定的内涵。93151
Abstract: With the rapid development of food and beverage industry, people's demand for food and beverage is also growing, high-quality dining to enjoy more and more become a trend。 Good restaurants not only need to provide good products and good service, a good dining environment has become an important factor to attract the audience eye。 Compared to the traditional restaurant, the theme restaurant is more likely to seize the customer's eye, the theme of the restaurant in the 20th century, the late 90s into China, which caused a theme of the restaurant hot。 The theme of the restaurant with its distinctive theme of cultural characteristics to attract a large number of consumers, to the fierce competition in the food market into a new vitality, but also led to the adjustment of the food market structure。 For today's food and beverage market situation, the theme of the restaurant mushroomed, the number of restaurants on the market a large number。 However, the domestic theme restaurant in the embodiment of the concept of the concept there are many deficiencies。 The most subject of this paper discusses the spatial layout in detail。 Through the form of the theme of the restaurant, in order to express the special cultural connotation, with a specific theme to express specific content。
Key words: theme restaurant; market; spatial layout; cultural connotation;
目 录
1。绪论 1
2。主题餐厅概念 1
2。1 主题餐厅现状及发展 2
3。本案设计概述 2
3。1本案设计理念 3
3。2本案设计主要内容 4
4。整体空间布局概述 4
4。1入口、收银区域空间及布局设计概述 4
4。2散座区域空间及布局设计概述 5
4。3一楼演奏区域空间及布局设计概述 5
4。4二楼包厢区域空间及布局设计概述 6
5 。平面布局在本方案中的概述 7
6。形象的差异性设计在本方案中的体现 8
7。 整套方案完成初稿 9
结 论 10
参考文献 11
1。绪论来自优O尔P论R文T网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520`18766
社会在不断的发展,我国的市场经济体制也在逐步的完善,全球文化交流不断增多,人们的审美以及日常生活的各种需求也在逐渐提高。“吃”这个单纯的行为也逐渐演变成一种文化消费,消费者在消费美食的同时也在注意着周围的就餐环境与其营造的独特氛围。并且行业内激烈的竞争,产品较大的相似度、消费者多样的需求,餐厅的主题化、特色化已经成为一种主流。 熊贱贱主题餐饮空间室内功能分区设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_200952.html