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时间:2024-01-20 13:41来源:毕业论文



Abstract: With the continuous development of society, people's way of life is also changing in the subtle, more and more people began to pay attention to the fine life and life of the atmosphere。 In today's pursuit of high quality of life under the conditions of soft design continue to develop。 Today's decorative design more attention to personalized design, while people's focus is also on the return of their own value。 Different cultures, different political and economic background of the people, there are different requirements for its soft equipment。 In today's era of consumer economy, the theme of the restaurant has sprung up in the restaurant space with a specific decorative design to create a kind of atmosphere in order to obtain the public recognition of a cultural situation, it is essential to play soft play effect。 The case designed to be decorated with the bear theme soft with industrial wind to create exquisite, petty bourgeoisie, personalized restaurant space。

Keywords: theme restaurant; soft suit; exquisite; petty bourgeoisie; bear theme;


1 绪论 1

2设计概述 1

2。1 主题餐厅设计市场现状分析 2

2。2 设计主要内容 2

3 室内软装饰设计 2

3。1 室内软装饰设计概述 2

3。2 本案设计的设计原则 3

4。软装饰在本案中的运用 4

4。1 熊装饰在本案中的设计 5

4。2 铁艺软装饰在本案中的设计 5

4。3 旧木软装饰在本案中的设计 6

4。4 植物软装饰在本案中的设计 7

5 整套方案完成初 8

结 论 9

参考文献 10

致 谢 11

1 绪论来自优O尔P论R文T网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520`18766


     餐饮近期的发展势头越来越迅速,其风格样式趋向多样化,同时也就意味着其竞争愈来愈激烈。现代的餐厅再也不是以前随便摆点桌子就可以的,人们对于软装饰也有了进一步认识。随着我们生活水平的提高,人们对于饮食的环境方面要求也越来越高,市场需求大,但是餐厅的装修风格非常的同质化。若想跳出这个单一的市场,必须找到其突破点,加上对餐饮市场需做出充足的了解,才可在众多的餐厅中脱颖而出。并且软装饰是其中的重要方式之一。 熊贱贱主题餐厅软装设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_200956.html
