毕业论文关键词:环境艺术 、旧厂房、改造
Introduction to landscape transformation and utilization of old factory building space
Abstract:Accompanied with the process of urbanization ,industrial structure adjustment, loss of production function of the transformation of old industrial building in used entered a new stage, for research and development of old factory building reuse ,not only has the significance is also a realistic problem ,loss of production function of old building reconstruction using abroad has passed in the early stage of exploration and practice, and for our country, has just begun so promote the implementation of old factory building reconstruction is of great significance. From the perspective of the environmental art, characteristics and it’s impact on the development of the old building. Analysis of the old factory building related design factors involved in transforming a process. As well as the social development to adapt to the situation in China and carry out the sustainable development of the old factory building reconstruction strategy.
Keywords:Public Space; Old Factory; Environmental Behavior
目 录
一. 旧厂房改造概念 2
(一)旧厂房改造概念 2
(二)旧厂房的分类 3
(一)旧厂房的类型 3
二.改造利用的意义 3
(一)旧厂房的特性 3
(二)分析旧厂房的利用方式 4
三.改造的设计手法与元素 4
(一)对于内部环境改造设计 4
(二)对于外部环境改造设计 5
四.国内外旧厂房改造景观设计案例分析 5
(一)国外的发展历程 5
(二)国内的发展历程 6
五.结论 6
参考文献 7
伴随着传统工业时代向后工业时代转变,第三产业逐渐崛起,传统工业日渐式微, 许多传统工业基地出现结构性衰退,逐渐荒废;另一方面,新生产方法、通讯技术、运输方式的出现,使部分原有工业基地、交通枢纽、仓储用地等不能满足使用要求,出现功能性衰退,由此产生了大量的工业废弃地及闲置厂房、仓库。它们大多地处偏僻,基础设施不完善,无法直接利用。整体拆除重新规划,投资巨大,成为城市发展蓝图上的一块“影响市容的鸡肋。
(二) 旧厂房改造概念
二.改造利用的意义 浅谈旧厂房空间的景观改造与利用:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_22419.html