摘要: 齐白石是近现代中国绘画大师,世界文化名人。一生经历了中国复杂多变的社会形态,见证了中国由封建走向民主共和的道路。他出生贫寒却家庭和睦,幼时从村童变为塾童,培养了他对绘画的兴趣。后来成为木匠奠定了他雕刻篆刻的基础。成家之后拜师学画,作画养家。一九零二年开始游览国内多处名山大川,拓宽了眼界改变了绘画技巧。远游结束后居家钻研诗文书画提高了文学修养。后期衰年变法使他跻身艺术大家之列。耄耋之年达到艺术全盛时期。他擅画花鸟、虫鱼、山水、人物,笔墨雄浑滋润,色彩浓艳明快,造型简练生动,意境淳厚朴实,充满了乡土气息,表达了对以前劳动生活的怀念。他始终坚持文人画传统但又不囿于传统的艺术风格和永远不忘初心保持本真的品格对后来的艺术家产生了重大的影响。他也为中国艺术走向全世界做出了伟大的贡献。58420
A discussion on Qi Baishi's art of painting,calligraphy and seal cutting
Abstract:Qi Baishi is a master of modern Chinese painting, the world's cultural celebrities.He has experienced the complicated and changeable social form of China.Witnessed the path of China from feudalism to Democratic Republic.Although he was born in a poor family,it was a harmonious family.He become a student from The shepherd boy when he was young.From then on,he was interested in chinse painting.He Carpenter's experience has laid a solid foundation for the seal cutting.He as a Apprentice learned painting after he married.He started sell paintings and supported family.In 1902 he start to visit many domestic well-known mountains and rivers, to broadened the horizon and changed painting skills.After the end of travel he study painting and calligraphy at home,so improved literature accomplishment.The reform of late years made he become one of the famous artists.He reached art heyday of old age.He was good atpainting flowers,birds,insects,fish.landscape, characters,which expressed the feeling of nostalgia of previous labor life.Forceful pen and ink moist, rich color crisp, concise style vivid artistic conception, pure and honest and simple, full of local flavor.He always insisted to the tradition of chinese painting but not limited to the traditional style of art and never forget the beginning of the heart to maintain the true character,these have a deep influence of young painters.He al
so made a contribution of chinese arts to the all world.
Keywords:Life story;Artistic characteristics;Significance;Present situation
(一) 研究对象.2
(二) 具体研究方法.2
4、晚期绘画轨迹.7 齐白石书画篆刻艺术研究:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_63340.html