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时间:2021-01-11 21:43来源:毕业论文

摘要: “舒血宁注射液”药品广告片设计与制作这一课题是根据需求通过使用Flash、Photoshop等软件对“舒血宁注射液”这一药品设计与制作了两段(一段长、一段短)广告片,主要介绍本药品的主治功效以及适合人群,借此达到一定宣传效果。本次课题实现的主要难点是整个广告片的结构框架,好的逻辑结构对整段广告片能呈现出好的效果起到关键作用。本次通过参考部分广告片的结构、明确广告片制作的意义、充分了解本药品的药效后确定了结构框架。长广告片采取引出--描述--强调--总结的结构,短广告片则采取描述—总结的结构,使“舒血宁注射液”药品广告片更具亲民效果与感染效果。结构框架再加上形象的图片和对应的旁白使“舒血宁注射液”药品广告片完整、饱满。62066


"ShuXueNing injection" drug advertising design and production

Abstract:  "ShuXueNing injection" drug advertising design and production is based on the demand of the subject through the use of Flash, Photoshop and other software to design and product two commercials (a long and a short) for the drug "ShuXueNing injection", which introduces the primary efficacy of this drug, as well as for the crowd, take this up to the required publicity. This topic implements the structure of the main difficulties is the entire ad, a good logical structure throughout your ad can show good results play a key role. After referencing the structure of part of the ad, clearing the meaning of commercial production and fully understanding the drug's efficacy, I determine the structural framework. The structure of ‘making target – description -- emphasize – summary’ for the long commercial and ‘description -- summary’ for the short make " ShuXueNing injection" drug ad effect more people. Framework combined with the visual pictures and voice over make the advertisement of " ShuXueNing injection" integral and full.

Keywords: Commerical; ShuXueNing injection; Tween Animation


摘要 i

Abstract i

1 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的和意义 1

1.3 国内外研究现状与水平 1

1.4 相关技术简介 2

1.4.1 Flash CS4 ActionScript2.0 2

1.4.2 Photoshop cs6 2

1.4.3 CorelDRAW X4 2

1.4.4 GoldWave 5.67 2

2 分析 4

2.1 广告片概述 4

2.1.1 广告片的传播 4

2.1.2 广告片的设计 5

2.2 “舒血宁注射液”的意义 6

2.2.1 “舒血宁注射液”药品广告片设计与制作:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_68126.html
