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时间:2021-01-12 20:29来源:毕业论文



Study on Longmen stone statues inscription art

Abstract:Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang is famous in China and the world famous historical and cultural heritage, has become a set of religion, sculpture, architecture, art, calligraphy, clothing, medicine, economy, tourism and other value in the art treasures。It is an excellent model of our research Chinese history and traditional culture. AndLongmen stone statues Inscription is to study the development of Chinese art is very important part. Longmen stone statues inscription in the joint action of the book Dan and inscribed workers will support people to convey the good wishes and pray through a unique way of expression unfolded. Based on the Longmen stone statues Inscription overview of research, and the main representative works, analyzes it has the characteristics and artistic value, to clarify its role and position in the development of Chinese art, and draw on the current development of the art inspiration.

Key words: Longmen stone;The inscription on the statues;Longmen twenty products;the art of calligraphy


一、绪论 1

(一)选题缘由及意义 1

1、选题缘由 1

2、选题意义 1

二、学术史回顾 2

(一)国外相关研究 2

(二)国内相关研究 2

三、龙门石窟的概况 4

四、龙门石刻造像题记的概况 5

五、龙门石刻造像题记的经典代表作的艺术探究 6

(一)龙门二十品的由来 6

(二)《始平公造像记》的艺术特征 7

(三)《杨大眼造像记》的艺术特征 8

(四)《魏灵藏造像记》的艺术特征 9

(五)《安定王元燮造像记》的艺术特征 10

(六)龙门二十品的艺术特征 11

六、龙门石刻造像题记在中国书法艺术发展史中的作用和地位 13

小结 14

致谢 15

参考文献 16

附表 17




龙门石窟,这个令中华儿女骄傲自豪、令外国友人赞叹万分的著名世界历史文化瑰宝,从北魏孝文帝时开始进行凿建,一直到唐朝,经历了一百五十多年的雕凿,屹立在龙门之处。其雕塑艺术早已成为建筑、历史、考古以及文人等学者专家们所研究的对象和重点。而龙门石窟中的另外一个值得关注和研究的对象则是守护在佛龛旁边的的弥足珍贵的造像题记。 龙门石刻造像题记艺术的研究:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_68156.html
