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时间:2021-10-13 19:34来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词:室内空间;大户型;空间设计改善;三代同堂; 现代

Under the background of two "three generations" interior space design to improve the study

Abstract To respect consciousness of modern people more and more strong, many families choose to live with the old man, together with the two-child policy is open, more and more families choose to add yiding, with the increase of population, how to design the space to improve to make the family happy life together is particularly important。

Based on this background, from the old man, young people, children of different physiological and psychological characteristics, through the flexible use of building materials, adornment gimmick, soft act the role of space design to improve the methods of collocation, make residential demand more rationalization and functionalization, make full use of every space, play a large space of plasticity, so as to meet the living needs of each family member。 Interior space design to improve walk comfortable delicate, environmentally safe way to improve the comfort of the residents, so as to deduce the charm of large space。

Key Words: Interior space; Large family; Space design improvement; Three generations;  Modern

目  录




一、室内空间设计改善研究概述 1

(一)室内空间设计改善理念 1

(二)室内空间设计改善方式 1

二、室内空间设计改善对二胎背景下“三代同堂”的意义 2

(一)我国现代家庭居住现状 2

(二)空间设计改善研究对此现状的重要意义 2

三、二胎背景下“三代同堂”室内空间设计改善的可行性方法 2

(一)通过运用建材进行空间设计改善 2

(二)通过装饰手法进行空间设计改善 3

(三)通过软饰搭配进行空间设计改善 3

四、实践探索 4

(一) 户型情况 4

(二)运用上述方法对该户型进行空间设计改善 4

结论 7

参考文献 8



室内空间改善就是对人类生活环境的提高和改善,是指将居住者的室内空间与审美相互融合,详细地说就是让室内的空间在使用方面更有所不同,比如说活动空间、休憩环境得到更高的改善。设计方面着重运用装饰艺术及空间艺术的手段,设计出合理的布局、舒适的符合人的心理、 生理需求的室内居住环境,赋予业主一个愉快、温馨、更合理的生活空间。 二胎背景下三代同堂室内空间设计改善研究:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_82927.html
