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时间:2021-10-20 19:22来源:毕业论文



Landscape design of residential area of Jiangyin railway station

Abstract: Residential landscape design should give full play to the benefits of green space, meet the different requirements of residents, create an elegant environment, beautify the environment, cultivate the sentiment, and adhere to the people-oriented。 Create nature, enjoy nature, use nature in limited living space, seek harmony between man and architecture, sketch, water and plants。 The residential landscape design should not only meet the needs of people's various functions, but also need to create a multi-cultural living environment according to local conditions。 This time we design the project of residential landscape design of Jiangyin train station, based on the research and analysis of the project and around the entire city of Jiangyin, through the research and study of the classic case, the combination of theory and practice, using the new design concept and international perspective, will create the new world in life, leisure, livable entertainment, sports, watch as one of the five major industries, to meet the elderly, young people, children of all ages living environment, with business positioning, using humanized design, make it near the train station in a quiet, rich and distinctive living environment。

Key words: residential quarters; Landscape design; railway station;livable new world。


1 绪论

1。1 项目背景。4

1。2 设计依据。4

2 基地概况

2。1 区位分析。5

2。2 基地现状。5

3 经典案例

3。1 长沙恒大华府景观设计  。。。5

3。2 成都温江万春英郦庄园景观设计  。。。5

4 设计理念与构思

4。1 设计理念 6

4。2 设计思想。6

5 小区的植物造景

5。1 植物的选用和搭配  。。 6

5。2 植物配置的层次感与结构感 。。。 6

5。3 树种选择考虑的因素。。。6

6 小区景观设计分区 7

7 结束语。。 7

  致谢。。。  8

参考文献。。 9



1。1 项目背景

江阴是一座滨江花园城市,北边靠近长江,南边都是群山,京沪高速公路南北穿过城市。江阴火车站正位于规划的城市副中心和环城林带交接处,北广场的设置利于强化对主城区的交通集散,而江阴站向东部和南部各镇辐射,需要南广场进行集散;南北广场的设置有利于沟通站前综合区和花山风景区之间的联系,将花山景区和城区紧密联系起来。住宅小区的景观对我们的心情和精神生活都能够产生直接的影响[1]。对于江阴市火车站的住宅区域的规划的整个景观架构不仅要要因地制宜科学搭配,注重植物物种的多样性,还要考虑做到点线面结合,考虑整个景观架构[2]。处理好小区的空间布局、交通路线的规划、景观规划、居住小区的建筑风格的关系,建造一个具有一定连续性和整体性的生活环境[3]。论文网 江阴市火车站住宅小区景观设计+答辩PPT:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_83226.html
