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时间:2021-12-26 20:59来源:毕业论文



Discussion on space’s persification design of dessert shops-In the “Magic Square” chocolate workshop as an example

Abstract:The advent of desserts has not only shown a breakthrough in the exploration and use of natural ingredients,but also opened a new world of good food。Different from the essential three meals a day,free from the restrictions of time and place,the form of dining also jumps more and more out of the public view。It is not only the beauty and variety of desserts that attract young consumers’ eyes,but also the space of persified desserts is also a new angle of view for the masses to pursue。In this paper,through the detailed analysis of consumer purchasing behavior,we study how to meet the consumers’ sensory experience in the market segmentation,and also to meet the modern fun entertainment space。Based on the actual case analysis of persified dessert space,this paper studies the spatial streamline relationship of the new persified dessert shops,and the change of the additional function which is different from the routine dessert single sale mode。Design is people-oriented,with the public demand for food and beverage forms higher and higher,the design also needs to follow the place of the times。

KeyWords:Diversification;Spatial streamline relation;Additional sexual function;Experience 


一、绪论          1

(一)研究背景    1

1、研究的目的和意义    1

2、国内外发展情况   1

(二)研究方向    2

二、甜品店的概念界定和分类      3

(一)甜品店概念的界定     3

(二)分类及品牌案例分析   3

三、消费者购买行为在甜品店设计中的导向性因素    4

(一)消费者购买行为四大因素   4

1、文化因素  4

2、社会因素  4

3、个人因素  4

4、心理因素  4

(二)消费者购买行为对“魔方”巧克力工坊设计方向的影响 4

1、年龄层面趋向年轻化 4

2、经济大环境、文化层次的提升影响需求多元化  5

四、多元化甜品空间内容及流线的分析    6

(一)多元化甜品空间形成的主要影响因素  6

1、心理因素对多元化空间设计的影响  6

2、消费者的感官对多元化空间设计的影响   6

(二)影响甜品空间转变其他因素 6

1、餐饮空间市场娱乐化、多元化  6

2、中外交流趋势  6

(三)多元化空间流线的相关案例分析    6

五、“魔方”巧克力工坊设计解析   9

(一)“魔方”工坊设计过程    9 巧克力工坊甜品店空间多元化设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_87527.html
